Chapter 15

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Ross's POV: 3 months later
Today was not a very nice day for Alex or I. My father died fours years ago to this day when I was 13. Alex father went missing 8 years ago to this day. Sebastian and I didn't want to go see dad's grave on the day of his death but Alex did. He believed his father was still alive, he just went missing in action. He was only presumed dead, but was confirmed dead last year because it had been 7 years and he never showed up and no one found any trace until they found his dog tags at the site he went missing.

The house was eerily silent at breakfast, no one spoke. We all just ate in complete silence. Alex didn't even talk to me when we were up in our room just relaxing.
"Alex please talk to me," I said after a while of getting fed up with him not talking to me.
"I'm sorry love, just my dad...he would never approve of me being who I am." I hugged Alex from behind and he leaned his head back on my shoulder.
"And neither would my mother but she came to terms with it and can now sit in the same room as Sebastian and I."
"Dad, he was never the type of person to just come to terms with it. He was like Dan, he told us always that he would kill every last fag he saw."
"He wouldn't be able to kill his own son," I tried to cheer him up desperately.
"Ross I think I should just go to his grave alone." I bit my lip. I didn't want to push him.
"Ok." I let go of him and stepped back. He turned around to me and looked a little hurt then walked over and gave me a light kiss.
"Don't think I'm going there alone is because I don't love you. I love you more than anything in this entire world," he said.
"I understand why you want to go alone it's ok," I put my forehead to his.
"You are the best boyfriend." I smiled and kissed him.

Alex's POV:
Sam dropped me off at the graveyard because he needed to run some errands anyway. I walked over to where they put dad's headstone with the empty coffin in it. I stood at it and just bowed my head. He hated when as a little kid I'd salute him because I wasn't in the army I'd always have to call him sir and bow my head.
"Who are you?" I heard from behind me. I turned around and stopped dead in my tracks. It was him....he is alive.
"Dad?" I mumbled.
"Speak up kid," he said sternly just as he always did.
"Sir, it's me Alex Smith. Your son."
"My son?" He looked a little confused.
"Yes your son. I'm almost 18 now, I was 10 when you went missing."
"Alexander?" I forgot that he always called me by my full name. He went up and shook my hand, I guess I knew where my dislike for hugs came from.
"My boy, you have grown," he said with a smile, "come sit with me and tell me everything. I see you wear my dog tags." I was over joyed with him being back. I wanted to jump on him and hug him.
"Does mum know?" I asked as we walked to his car.
"No your mother does not know. Neither do your siblings. How are they by the way."
"All good. Tom has started grade 12 and Alyssa is in grade 10." We got into his car.
"Ahh little Alyssa. Has she got a boyfriend?"
"What about Thomas? Has he got a girlfriend."
"No, he likes a girl though."
"Good on him and you my boy. You have to be in a relationship." I bit my tongue and swallowed hard.
"I am," I said a little hesitantly.
"Is she not a good gal or something? Why did you hesitate?" He noticed it damn it.
"Because it's not a she," I said and bit my tongue.
"Ah those girls though they can never make up their minds. Some ladies in the army acted like men."
"I literally mean a guy. His name is Ross." I saw the immediate hatred in his eyes.
"My son is gay," he said through gritted teeth.
"I always have been it just took me a while to realise."
"My son is not gay!" He roared.
"I am, father!" I snapped.
"Boy you will remove this stain from your life and go date a girl, be in a real relationship. Or you are no son of mine." Those words hurt like hell. I wanted my father to like me, but I also loved Ross. I couldn't, I couldn't leave him. Not when I swore, not when I promised I'd protect him.
"I can't I swore I wouldn't leave him."
"Well you are better off dead to me. Get out of my fucking car," he said through gritted teeth. I got out and stood there and watched as he drove away.

Ross's POV:
Alex got home after calling Sebastian to come pick him up. Alex walked into the room and just sat on the end of the bed. I crawled from where I was lying down to him and put my arms around him. He removed my arms and left me sitting there.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Nothing," He said quite agitated.
"Alex, what's gotten you into a bad mood."
"Nothing I just don't want a hug," he snapped. I crawled back to where the pillows were and brought my knees up to my chest.
"You normally don't mind me hugging you," I said quietly.
"I don't want a hug ok, Ross," he snapped again. I bit my lip, something happened to him.
"Alex, if something is bothering you, you can talk about it to me."
"My dad is alive. I saw him today, he was at his grave."
"Did you talk to him?"
"Yes I fucking talked to him and I fucking told him I was gay. He flipped out." Alex was pissed. I wanted so badly to comfort him but he wasn't accepting it.
"If he won't accept you for you.." Alex cut me off.
"Yes I know. If he doesn't accept me then I don't need him," Alex mocked me, "I have heard that all before." He stood up and turned around and looked at me. I hugged my knees tight and wiped away the tear that started to fall.
"Don't yell at me I'm not the one who made you angry," I said softly.
"I don't care. I'm angry, I have a right to be angry because my father who I always looked up to just disowned me," he growled and grabbed at his hair, "why did I have to be like this. I wish I wasn't!" He snapped.
"Alex, don't say that. It would mean we wouldn't be together." I could feel my heart breaking.
"I do wish it. I wish I wasn't gay, I wish I was just normal!" He yelled.
"Don't you dare say that, you cannot say things like that. Your not thinking straight," I said sharply and stood up.
"Oh I'm thinking perfectly straight, Ross. I should have never of kissed you!" He said with sheer anger in his voice. My heart shattered into a million pieces.
"Get out," I growled. His face softened at my anger.
"Get the fuck out!" I snapped. He looked hurt, he shouldn't be the one hurting.
"Ross I'm...."
"Get out!" I pushed him. He stumbled and fell out the door. He looked at me with eyes filled with hurt. I was bloody angry at him and I had every right to be. "Get the fuck out of my sight Alex." He quickly stood up and hurried away. I grabbed a pillow and yelled as loud as I could and threw the pillow at the wall as hard as I could.
"Ross what the hell happened, Alex just ran out like a scared sheep and I could hear you two yelling," Sebastian said.
"He is a fucking dick head that's what happed!" I snapped and scrunched up his pillow as small as I could.
"What did he do?" I felt tears streaming down my cheeks.
"He said he wished he never kissed me." I threw the pillow as hard as I could against the wall. Sebastian grabbed me and hugged me, I cried into his shoulder.

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