Chapter 13

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Ross's POV: Christmas Day
Today was Christmas Day, although it didn't seem as exciting anymore. I liked it because you got to spend time with people who you normally wouldn't but would like to. Sam's mums, Teresa and Kerri were coming over for lunch with Alex's Mum and siblings also Adrian's dad, Peter, and older sister, Gabriella. I was kind of sad that Mum wouldn't be here but it was her choice to not contact us so it really wasn't my problem.

It got closer to lunch and Teresa and Kerri showed up. Alex and I hadn't actually met them yet, they were more than excited to meet us.
"Oh look at you boys all handsomely dressed up," Kerri said giving each of us a hug. Teresa just shook our hands. Next was Peter and Gabriella.
"Nice to see you boys again," Peter chuckled.
"You know them?" Adrian asked a little curiously.
"Well their mother was not so happy to catch them after a night," Peter smiled at me. I felt my cheeks go red.
"A night hey?" Sebastian nudged me and winked at me.
"Shut up," I poked him. Peter laughed and walked with Gabriella into the lounge room. Then was Susan, Thomas and Alyssa. They greeted us all, they knew Sebastian and Adrian already so it just Sam we had to introduce them to.
"Alright that's everyone," Sam said clasping his hands together. I sighed and walked away into the lounge room. A few minutes later there was a knock on the front door.
"I thought you said that was everyone?" I said to Sam.
"It is? Isn't it?" Next minute Alex grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door. Adrian was pulling Sebastian. What the hell did they plan. Adrian opened the door and there was mum.
"Hello," she said quietly.
"Mum?" Sebastian and I said at the same time. She walked in and we both hugged her.
"My beautiful baby boys back together. Nothing makes me happier." I bit my lip. It was her fault in the first place that we were separated. I wasn't going to ruin the moment. I looked to Alex and he smiled sweetly as if he had nothing to do with it.

Alex's POV:
Adrian and I had planned a while ago to try and get Jenifer over for Christmas. I tried calling her a few times but she wouldn't pick up or she would hang up immediately same with Adrian. After about a week of trying she finally gave up and listened to us and agreed to come over. She still didn't entirely agree with her son's being gay but she agreed to put up with it for Christmas.

Sam had cooked the most delicious lunch for us, lucky he made some extra. We hadn't told him about Jenifer to keep it totally a secret. We talked about normal random family things. Turns out after the incident with Ross and I Peter and Jenifer went separate ways. But now they seemed happy enough to laugh and talk with each other. Gabriella was talking a lot to Sam, secretly I shipped them.

After lunch we all sat down in front of the tree and opened presents by others. Not everyone got everyone a present. Ross and I were sitting on the ground handing out all the presents to everyone and they opened them. I got a small present from Mum, I quickly opened it and saw it was dads dog tags.
"They found them," she said. I smiled at her and went over and hugged her. I slid them over my head.
"Way to add to your roughness," Ross commented. I raised an eyebrow.
"I'll show you rough." I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him onto my lap.
"Boys please save that for the bedroom," Kerri said. I chuckled and just normally hugged Ross. I looked at his Mum who looked just slightly uncomfortable but she said nothing and just smiled at me when she realised I was looking at her. Ross reached for his present from Sebastian. It rattled what ever it was. He opened it slowly to get a sneak peak. I looked at Sebastian who had a cheeky look on his face.
"Sebastian!" Ross suddenly said. He closed the paper and put the present down. Sebastian laughed.
"What? What was it?" Alyssa asked. I grabbed the present and ripped it open. I laughed when I saw what it was. Ross snatched it out of my hand and hid it.
"Sebastian!" Jenifer snapped laughing. She saw what it was.
"What, he has a boyfriend and is older now," Sebastian laughed.
"Oh god you didn't," Kerri laughed. I grabbed the box of condoms and held it up and laughed.
Ross snatched it off of me again and threw it at Sebastian.
"Hey we could have used them," I said which I earned a light slap. Ross turned a very bright shade a red. Everyone was laughing even his mum.

By about three in the afternoon everyone had left. Sebastian walked up to Ross and places the box of condom's in his hands.
"Better to be safe than sorry," Sebastian winked.
"I can't get pregnant in case you didn't realise," Ross said turning red again.
"Trust me little brother I know more than you." Ross screwed up his face.
"I didn't want to know that." I chuckled.

After a very small dinner I was ready to just go to sleep. Ross had a shower first so he was just lying on the bed face down. I shut the door and went up and lay onto of him. He groaned half in pain but didn't move.
"You are too heavy," he whined. I rolled off him.
"Owww," he whinged. When I rolled off.
"I think you make a much better top," I said putting a hand on his back.
"If you didn't bloody crush me." He rolled over and sat on me. I got nervous butterflies in my stomach again. I had already been in this position yet it still scared me. He lent down and kissed me hard. He stopped and sat up again with his hands on my stomach.
"Don't tease me," I said with a smile. He reached over to the bedside table and opened the draw and pulled out the box of condoms and shook them with a big smile on his face. I rolled my eyes and smiled and took off my shirt. Here we go again.

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