Manny looked down at the shaking boy and spoke softly "No. He is alive Jack."

The boy's breathing caught in his throat. His expression softened and he looked hopeful. Bunny felt it, and he too began to cry.

"Both of the boys are okay. They were hurt badly, but recovered a few months ago."

For a second Jack managed a small weak smile before a look of shock took it away.

"Jack...the way you said my sound just like. You sound just like the moon 300 years ago..."

Manny didn't answer. Jack became enraged. "You! You bastard!" Spikes of ice exploded from the ground towards Manny, but they all blew up into specs of ice and snow.

"You can't hurt me Jack. I gave you your power."

Jack growled "Gave me this power! The only thing you ever gave me was this god forsaken useless body that couldn't do shit to save anyone I ever cared about! You damned me to an eternity of cold and loneliness!"

Jacks body started fighting again. "Voices voices voices get out get out get out SHUT UP! All of you!"

"Jack!" Tooth screamed "Pippa, you remembered her, I know you did. Remember Jack, you are here for a reas-" Bunny grabbed Tooth covering her mouth.

"Please Tooth, It would only make this more painful for him." Tooth looked up confused at what he was meaning.

Jack began beating himself, hurting his body. "Still here, I feel it, alive, I must be, pain, it hurts, hurting means living, living means real, I am real, i am real! REAL!" Dammit look at me!"

"We are looking Jack, we see you, we will never look away again." North's voice spoke softly to Jack.

A silence spread between all of them. No wind, no movement in the snow. Just a deafening silence. A light snow began to fall. The boy looked up at North for a split second with tears in his big blue eyes and smiled "I know old man". His body fell to his knees as silence took over once again. Moments later Tooth let out a small cry. The other guardians felt it too. The atmosphere changed, Jack changed. No...

Jack was gone...


"All of you..." His voice shook.

Man in Moon slowly walked towards Jack, and although he appeared to show no emotion, on the inside his heart was broken. It hurt to see the young boy he had cared for so deeply, turn from the right path, to inflict pain upon others, to fall away from the destiny he hoped the boy would find, to see him destroy himself.

"...all of you." Jacks body began to shake. He jumped to his feet pulling a dagger from the snow.

"Should just die!"

Manny looked into his eyes, the scene around him playing put in slow motion.

"Oh, Jackson..." He stepped forward, time now completely frozen. Tears stained his white face as he looked into the young boys pained and tortured eyes.

"Why didn't you understand 'why' ?" He laid his hand on Jacks face knowing that the young happy spirit he once was is gone and dead. "I have failed you."

In one quick motion he took the knife from Jack, throwing it aside and resumed time.

Jacks crazed smile faded as his eyes widened. His voice choked as the taste of blood filled his mouth. Manny gave him one last guilt filled look. "I am so so sorry, please forgive me."

The guardians stared in pure shock. Manny had his hand placed into Jacks torso, slowly draining the life that he had given him those many years ago.

"NOOO!" Tooths voice cried out, blocking the sound of Jacks struggling breaths. "Please stop!" She tried to run over and stop Manny, but was pulled back by Bunny.

"Let me go!" She fought, "It's not his fault, we are in the wrong! If you're going to kill him then I die too! I'm just as much to blame as he is! Please!"

"Toothiana" Manny spoke softly and quiet. This is my fault, not yours. Please allow me to fix my mistake."

Jacks eyes began to fade to brown along with his hair. A whimper escaping his lips.

"Di- did she-" Mumbled words tried to force their way out of Jack. "Pippa- did..."

His body began to freeze with the last bit of life barely holding on.

North, Bunny, and Tooth. All broke down. In Jacks left hand were the teeth that Tooth had given him earlier. His grip on them was to tight and desperate that his memories played all around him, for them all to see.

His childhood with his Mother and sister. The day that Jack saw Bunny hiding in the bushes and tried to tackle him, a memory Bunny had once long forgotten. The day North read him bedtime stories on Christmas eve when he couldn't sleep because it was the first Christmas without his father. The memories of waking up to a beautiful fairy digging in his mouth to see all of his white teeth. The memories of sneaking out too be with his lover to star gaze when the moon was full. Then seeing a golden man flying in the sky when he had trouble sleeping. Jack, who even till the moment he died falling in the ice believed in all the guardians.

"Yes Jack. Pippa made it out okay, she is safe. She is waiting for you with your mother father, lover, and friends. They have all been waiting for you for some time now.

Jack looked to the guardians. A small, almost unnoticeable smile appeared on his face, "Just wait till I tell my little sister that the Easter bunny is real."

Bunny bit his lip and lost what composure he had left as the light from the boys eyes faded away.

Jacks frozen body turned to dust as Manny mustered up one large gust of wind to carry him through the snowy hills.

Guilt, shame, pain, regret, these were only a few of the emotions flowing through all of the spirits. Jack Frost, the boy who deserved so much better, destroyed by those he put so much faith into during his life.

"Everyone will know," Tooth choked out, "I'll make sure of it."

She looked up and screamed "Everyone will know the story of Jack Frost, the boy who saved his sister and brought so much joy and fun into the world! Do you hear me Jack! We..." She sobbed "We Will!"

Lost In The Dark (Evil/Dark Jack Frost FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now