"Dani." He cut me off.

'I just don't get why it's me.' "Why me?" My voice was barely a whisper but Kane was trying to calm his, he always had an edge of desperation and anger in his voice when we talked about this. It actually made him mad that I didn't feel beautiful. I had told him once before that it was hard to feel beautiful when you didn't look it and he had kissed me senseless, he had kissed up my arms, across my collarbone, both sides of my neck and flowered kissed all over my face.

"You have no problems that you can't overcome. You are the strongest person I know, even without me, and you could survive anything. You don't have any problems because you hit them on the head and plow through them. You could literally get through anything and be just as strong, or stronger, on the other side, you already have. And I know you could do it again. You do more for me than I can count. You heard my sister, I was like a zombie for years until I walked into the diner and met you. You give me a reason to wake up, smile, laugh, live, breathe and dream again. And as far as doubting yourself: don't. Don't doubt yourself. You can and will get past anything because you are a survivor. I wasn't lying to you're mom, you are the most amazing person I have ever met, beautiful."

A tear rolled down my cheek and he pulled me closer, but not holding me against him, "Do you believe me? I've told you before and I will tell you again. I will tell you everyday until you believe me."

"I don't deserve you Kane, I really don't."

"We'll work on you not believing that too." I laughed and he pulled me right up against him. He was always convincing me that I was out of his league, when really it was the other way around.

I heard footsteps come to the door and was going to pull away but he kept holding me. I relaxed into him.

He dropped his voice and whispered right in my ear, "You're not going anywhere Dani, and nor am I."

"Thank you Kane."

"No, thank you beautiful. Without you I'd be nothing."

The footsteps ended up by the table and I pulled away from Kane to see my parents setting the table. They looked up at each other and smiled. 'I want us to be like that,' I thought as my father reached across the table, and placed his hand on her cheek. You could tell just from the one look that they loved each other. They made me think of the couple.

I picked my head up and looked at him.

"What beautiful?"

"I love you handsome."

He smiled, "I love you too."

I gave him a piece of cheese and he took it right from my fingers with his teeth, like every other time I gave him food. When he finished swallowing he took a pice of pepperoni and gave it to me. I smiled and took it from him with my hand, like usual, but this time he took it back, putting the pepperoni right by my mouth and I took it from his hand with my teeth.

"That's better."

It was better. And for one split second I believed everything would be okay. I nodded and he leaned closer before he realized my parents were here and stopped. Instead he pulled me off the counter and went to mix things but turned back. He put the sauces by the toppings and placed me on the counter again, "Actually, that's better."

"I can't help like this."

"Oh yes you can."

I rolled my eyes and he laughed. I watched as he rolled out the dough. I was mesmerized by his arms and how they flexed as he rolled the dough back and forth, turned the dough and repeated the process before grabbing the next piece of dough.

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