New Year's Eve

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Your P.O.V.

"Come on (Y/N), it won't be any fun without you," my best friend pleads.

"No. What's the point in going to a New Year's Eve party if I have no one to kiss?"

"Maybe you'll find someone there. Please (Y/N)?" She continues to beg.

I let out a long sigh before responding.


Harry's P.O.V.

"What are you doing on New Years Eve?" Zayn asks through the phone.

"Nothing, I'm staying home."

"Do you know how much of a loner you sound like?"

"What's the point of going out on New Year's Eve anyway? Just so you can kiss some random stranger at midnight? I think the whole thing is lame."

"That's only because you're still single. Go find a girl. Why don't you come with me and the boys to the party tonight. There'll be plenty of girls there. Come on Harry, just come with us and you can hate me later."

Zayn remains silent waiting for my response.

"Fine, I'll go."

Your P.O.V.

I stand in the doorway of my closet, staring. I peruse the various racks of clothes deciding on what to wear. My eyes land on a black dress that compliments my body perfectly. If I was going to be by myself all night I might as well look good.

I slip on the dress and admire myself in the mirror. Once I'm satisfied I grab my purse and head out the door where I find my friend waiting in her car.

Harry's P.O.V.

I look in the mirror one last time, running a hand through my curls and adjusting my jacket before I leave.

"Perfect," I say to my reflection.

I grab my keys and walk out of my flat and towards my car. I climb in, put the key into the ignition and drive off.

I arrive at a small house and see Zayn standing outside smoking. He spots my car and gives me a small wave.

I get out of my car after I find a parking spot and begin making my way towards Zayn. He snubs out his cigarette when he sees me approaching.

"Hey mate, the rest of the boys are inside along with plenty of pretty girls," he says nudging me with his elbow.

"What makes you think I'm going to find a girl tonight?"

"A new year means new things Harry, even love."

Your P.O.V.

We walk into an overcrowded house, the smell of alcohol prominent in the air. I follow my friend to the back of the house where we find an empty couch and sit down.

"It's 11:03, do you see anyone you'd like to kiss?" she asks.

"Are you gonna be like this all night?"

"Yes. I'm not going to let you sit here alone the entire time."

"We'll that's exactly what I'm going to do."

Harry's P.O.V.

"Harry!" I hear Niall yell from across the room, obviously already drunk.

"Find anyone to kiss yet?" I hear Liam ask when I walk up to the group.

"I just got here."

"So? You must've seen someone when you walked in."

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