The Truth

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please listen to the whole song. it DEFINETLY goes with the story. thanks -brodriguez___30

Angela's POV

I heard a knock on the door. It was Benny.

If he believed me, I couldn't forgive him that easily.

If he wants a good relationship for us, he has to trust me.

And he didn't.

I opened the door.

"Hey..." I said.

"Sup..." he replied, almost a whisper.

"The messages?" He asked.

"Come up stairs." I told him.

He nodded.
We sat down on the bed.

I went to Phillips messages and gave him the phone.

After about a minute, he looked at me.
He put the phone on the bed and looked down.

"I...I am so sorry. Listen, Angel, I just...I freaked out, okay? And I know I should've believed you. Let's just go back to how-" He said.

"Benny!...Listen, we can't just 'go back to how it was before' so don't even say that... I need to know you can trust me...but obviously not." I started to walk downstairs.

He followed as i opened the door.

"Angela, wait...Come on, I said I'm s-"

"I know, I know!" I said, rolling my eyes.
"I'm aware that you said 'sorry', but that doesn't always cut it."

I pointed outside, as he walked out .

He turned around once more, saying my name in a pleading voice.

No was the last thing I said before shutting the door in his face.

I laid down on my bed as soon as I got back upstairs.

"Is this what love feels like?" I said to myself.

"If hurts..."
I covered my face with my pillow and started to cry.

He has to make it up to me...

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