Love For The Sandlot

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"Angela. Angel!" There was knocking on my window.

"Shut up," I heard Benny say outside my window, my eyes still closed. "Don't wake 'er."

A voice who sounded like Squints chimed in, "You're the one that told us to come wake 'er up."

"Right..." Benny agreed before beating on my window.

I woke up. "What in the hell do y'all want? It's 5:00 in the morning, guys."                                  

"We have a baseball game against Phillips." Timmy said.

"against Phillips." Tommy repeated.
Did he ever get tired of that? I asked myself.

"Who's Phillips?" I asked, causing them to pause.

"Phillips is our arch-nemesis. Never gotten along, never will. Just get dressed, grab your glove, and let's go." Bertram informed me.

"We'll be waiting out here." Benny said.

I put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, grabbed my hat and glove, and climbed out the window. Benny and Ham helped me down.

"Why at this time?" I asked.

"I don't really know. He said he heard we got a new player...a girl, obviously you, and he wanted to see how good you are." Benny rolled eyes.

I licked my lips, "is he good?"

They all laughed. "He's a'ight. We're way better. You're way better." I nodded.

We arrived at the sandlot and there was a big group of guys on bicycles. The one in the front was wearing a red and white jacket and a blue hat with a T. It was Phillips, I could tell.

"This must be the new player...a girl." He cocked an eyebrow at me, "what's your name, doll?" He asked, as I scoffed.

"Not doll, for sure. Angela, or Angel. But don't let the name fool ya."

He smirked. "I'm Phillips. You any good at baseball? Probably not, you are a girl."

I took a step closer, anger boiling over me, but Benny grabbed my arm, holding me back, and telling Phillips to shut up.

"Leave 'er alone, Phillips. She's way better than you'll ever be."

Phillips scowled at Benny, "and let me guess...her boyfriend?" Benny and I disagreed.

"Oh, so you're single?" Phillips asked. I rolled my eyes but nodded. It was only my second day and I was already being hunted down by a boy.

"Then will you go o-"

"She's NOT going out with you, Phillips!"
Benny screamed, stepping in front of me.

I blushed as he took up for me.

"And why is that Rodriguez? Do you like her?"

Benny licked his lips, blinking, and gritted his teeth. "I don't freaking like her! Damn, it's only been two days and everyone thinks I like the damn girl!"

"I thought we were playing ball. But apparently y'all are just going to fight over some damn girl." I rolled my eyes. "I'm leaving."

Benny grabbed my arm. "Wait...don't go. Let's play some ball."

~after playing ball/The Sandlot team wins~

"Nice loss, Phillips. You might be even worse than I thought you were." I chuckled at him.

"It kinda is sad how y'all are so bad, y'all have to have a girl to play with y'all." Phillips said, confusing me.

"What?" I asked, taking a step closer, the bat in my hand.

"Benny told me earlier that they were using you to keep the game going. They say they concentrate better when a hot girl is around them." He snickered.

I looked at Benny. I didn't want to believe it. "I'm out of here," I said.

"No, Angela! It's not true!" Benny screamed.

"Yeah, yeah! They're lying!" Yeah-Yeah chimed in. I ignored them. Benny's voice wasn't desperate anymore. It was serious.

"Angela, look at me." I didn't.
"Do you really think I would lie to you?"

I sighed, saying, "I don't know. You were trying to convince the guys that you didn't like me, so maybe that's true. Maybe you don't like me at all and you're just using me for the game." I didn't turn around to look at him when I spoke. I then ran away.

I ran home and looked at my phone. I had a new text message, it was Benny.

Benny: I'm not lying to you, Ang. I promise. Phillips is messing with your head.

Me: Who should I believe Benny? You're acting like I'm your best friend and you don't want to lose me.

Benny: We haven't known each other long enough to be best friends, but, I don't want to lose you. That first time, we saw each other through our windows, I knew we were gonna be good friends. That was a good feeling.

Me: yeah, it was. But maybe Phillips isn't lying.

Benny: ANGELA! Phillips has been my enemy for five and a half years. I know when to believe him. Plus, you don't think, I, out of all poeple, would say something like that, do you?

Me: no, not really, but I just don't know what to believe, Ben.

Benny: Well, believe this. I'm a trusting person. Believe me, Angela. I promise you you won't regret it. Phillips is messing with your head on purpose so he can make you betray us and go to him. He wants you. I won't let him have you

Me: okay, I believe you. I'm sorry. You have Phillips' number?

Benny: yeah...why?
Me: he's kinda cute...

Benny: ANGELA, NO!

I'm gonna call him over so he'll think I like him and then...he'll get punished😉

Benny: ooh! Savage! Can I be there??

Me: you can watch through the window

Benny: okay. His number is 903 567 4376

(random number, I wouldn't call it😂)

Me: k. Thanks. Bye Benny

Benny: you're welcome. Wait, you coming to the sandlot tomorrow?

Me: you mean today?😂it's already 7:45, I need sleep.

Benny: lol. I'll wake you up at...9:00, 10:00? Somewhere around then?

Me: yeah. Goodnight, Benny.

Benny: Bye, Angela. Goodnight

I walked inside and hopped into bed, smiling as I laid my phone down. I love Benny, I thought. I actually love someone. I actually love Benny. And not like, love... and I knew was going to be a good day.

One time, I prank called a random number and laughed my butt off when he answered. I was with my cousin and my best friend and he said "hello". I said "hi". He said "who is this" and I said "I like trains". He sounded really friendly at first and then this happened... he said, "well I'm glad you like trains. Now don't ever fucking call me again." And I said "rude" and hung up. Just thought y'all should know.😂😂😂😂

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