You Make Me Crazier Part 2

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Benny walked me home in silence.
I stopped him. "What do you mean I make you crazier?"

I asked. He let out a small smile.

"I mean, you make me feel different. Every since my dad died, I've been different. Barely ever laugh anymore. Then, you come along and get me laughing. Before he died, I was always crazy, laughing, having fun.'s just baseball, which I have no problem with. I love's all I really care about. But when you came along, I realized I'm laughing again, I'm having fun...acting crazy. You're the one that got me laughing again, that got me acting crazy. You make me crazier."

we both stopped walking as he looked at me. "it's barely even been a day." he said with a chuckle.

"a day could be just enough time." i murmured as he placed his forehead to mine.

he gradually lifted my chin as our lips made contact and moved in sync.

"Ooh! Benny lied! They are in love!" Ham pointed at us causing Smalls to turn around, cocking an eyebrow.

I chuckled when I saw Benny blushing with embarrassment.

We were cut off when my phone started ringing. I answered it.


"Hey, Angel." It was Phillips.

"Meet us at our tree house at six pm sharp. K?"

"Why? I have to go to-"

"Do it or else your pretty boy gets hurt. Ya hear me?"

I sighed. "Okay, I'll come."

"Smart choice." He chuckled and hung up.

"Who was that?" Benny asked.

" mom. She wants me home, bye Benny. See ya tonight? What time we playin'? 7:00?"

"Actually, it's six-"

"Great!" I cut him off.

"See ya tonight! Seven, I'll be there!" I kissed him on the cheek and ran off.

"Umm, ok," he said.

"Seven o'clock, I guess." He laughed and walked up his porch.

I closed my eyes when I shut the door to my room. About to sit down, I realized something on my mirror.

"Six o'clock sharp...or else. Pretty boy gets hurt." Was written in expo marker. I knew Phillips wrote it. Great, I thought, just great...

Really love this chapter, honestly. Little cliff hanger and the next chapter will be better/coming soon! Thanks for reading! Please rate! Stay gold!💯🔥💋😘 -brodriguez___30

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