Chapter 25

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"Yes, a pina coolada cherry flavored please," I hesitated, unsure of whether I really should or not. If my mom found out she would freak, and so would JDot and Juliet. I swear each of them are watching over my shoulder like eagles ever since I tried to make a break for the London exit.

As I was about to pay for the drink,  a hand stopped me with its own money, paying the man for my expensive drink.

Embarrassed and flushed,  a nodded a thank you without looking at the person.

He then sat beside me, and I noticed who he was.


He sent me a bright smile, and I couldn't contain my excitement.

I literally leaped onto him attacking him in a giant bear hug-

"FELIX! OH MY GOSH YOUR HERE IN THE BAHAMA'S I WAS ABOUT TO GO TO LONDON WHERE'S MARZIA ERMAGAHD, " I kept chanting over and over again while giving him a death grip hug.

His face started turning white before I let go. I still smiled as an idiot as I looked at him.

"Marzia got sick of the droopy weather in London and we had enough saved up money so we took a vacation to the Bahama's, " he said, smiling. 

As if on cue, Marzia came around the corner, clutching a hand bag and a few other bags.  It looks like she had gone on some crazy shopping trip.

When I saw her I decided to run to her and attack her in a giant bear hug to, I hope she doesn't get mad...

"Whoa whoa, at least let me set my bags down first!" she said laughing as she set her bags down.

Juliets P.O.V

The sun was finally setting after a long day, and it felt like I had been waiting years. I purposely kept Avery's little visit with David A secret and ended up deleting the message. All I'd have to do is find some of her clothes,  and act sarcastic.

Should be easy.

I rummaged through her suitcase and pulled out a pair of ripped jeans and a 'tee' as she calls it. There was also a crown of flowers. No, I needed a fedora to hide my face.

I grabbed my tan fedora and headed out of the hotel room as the Sun's shadow shone Into the room.

This was going to be interesting. 

I jot down the steps, and before I could reach the door a hand grabbed my shoulder.

I turned around and saw the guy that helped Juliet pick up her bags.

"Uhm, hey," he said as if he was unsure of what to say. Is this Avery's benefit, having a guy be so nervous around her? I'm going to ward this guy off.

"Sorry? I don't know you, and I'm not afraid to call security on you" I said as I turned around, leaving the hotel. That should get rid of the problem for good. I'm sure Avery's caught up with that other guy on the plane she sat next to already.

I have to admit, the look on his face made me feel pretty bad, but he had passed me a few times already when I was in my normal clothing and hadn't said a thing to me. What makes Avery so special?

I ran outside, immediately turning to the beach. I saw a familiar black quiff and blue eyes as I emerged a sign that said,  "B E A C H CLOSED AT DAWN". I kept my hat down semi covering my face.

Look like her, completed, act like her, beginning.

"Wow Avery did you dye your hair? It looks better then usual," he said, stroking my hair. What would Avery do in this situation, enjoy it, right?

Going to Sweden |A Pewdiepie Fanfic|Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα