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It’s December now and it’s still so cold even with the heater on. Brrr.

‘knock’ ‘knock’

I heard someone knocking at the door. I stood up from the couch and went to open it, just to see that it was Zeke, bringing his luggage.

He stood there shaking like a little puppy, lost, and he was shivering.

I can’t explain the mixture of feelings planted on his face.

He seems sad, angry, betrayed, or rather, shocked. I can't really figure it out.

“Zeke! What happened to you? Why are you bringing a luggage? And why are you wandering the cold streets late at night?” I asked, concerned.

“Uhm. Nothing much. It’s just that my mother kicked me out and disowned me... um... so...” his eyes were wet. I hugged him gently “Nothing much? Your mother just kicked you out and disowned you!” I had to keep calm to avoid freaking him out more.

“Okay, what’s the reason that you were kicked out?” I asked.

“Before we chit-chat, may I go in? It’s fri-frickin co-cold out he-here” he shivered.

“I'm so sorry! I forgot. Come inside” I swiftly moved to the side and watched him walk in slowly.

“Can you tell me now?”

“okay..” he started.

“She kicked me out because she found out that I’m gay...” he paused for awhile “She said that I’m a disgrace in the family, plus she told me to never come back unless I will return to my senses and start liking girls, which I will NEVER do. Eww. I am who I am and I will NEVER change” he declared.

"That’s really harsh. If she really loves you, then she will accept you for who you are” I gave him my warmest hug.

I already knew he was gay. He told me that when we were still sophomores.

I have to tell my dad.

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