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Heyoo hope you enjoy this chapter!

Nobody's P.O.V
Ink,Blueberry, Cross and Dream crossed the Portal to the AU Mafia-Tale, They all looked around and carefully Ink lead them to Mafia-Tale Sans and others secret hide out. And of course they had to do it carefully cause of course its a Mafia Gang you gotta be carefully​ with those, But then Again Ink was really good friends with MT Sans so everything is good.

Dream P.O.V
As we followed Ink I still​ felt that feeling of being watched, but this time the feeling became I don't know, Somewhat stronger. I started to really bother me but I thought it was just a feeling and nothing bad were surely to happen.
"Alright guys!"
"We are here and remember what we came here for and stay close in my area don't want anyone getting lost."
Continued Ink.
Ink then knocked on the door with a pattern Just to know it was him and not some kind of intruder, The door then opened revealing MF Sans.
"Sup Ink, Come on in." greeted MF sans as he welcome us to his Home/Hide Out.
Ink was then explaining to MF Sans of what was going on and why they needed their help.
Right when I was about to close the door behind me I saw something dark go into a mysterious Ally
And me being curious I silently went out the door and followed the the strange person into the dark Ally. And once I was there I could find nor see any trace of the guy anywhere.
All of the sudden I felt Hands wrap around my mouth and pulled me more in deeper the dark Ally as I tried to call for help..

Hahaha Cliff Hanger! Anyways hope you enjoyed this book and have a wonderfull day/night!

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