~ Pronunciation Guide ~

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Hi. These are all the names that are mentioned in Naihabi Ridge, even if it's only once. And they're in alphabetical order cause I'm a little bit crazy about that stuff.

Avi = ah-vee
Bulbaeus = buhl-bay-iss
Brechlevat = breh-kleh-vawt
Broch = brah-k
Carcerus = kar-ser-us
Celive = seh-leave
Donvar = dun-vawr
Eilo = ay-low
Ethenbrook = eh-then-brook
Everis = eh-vur-iss
Fraz = frah-z
Freire = free-ur
Grengal = gren-gull
Hube = hyoo-b
Itoma = eeh-toe-muh
Izara = eeh-zawr-uh
Jukkav = juh-kawv
Kathim = kah-thee-m
Kithrappoha = kith-rah-pouh-ha
Kotte = Cot
Likke = leek
Lindo = lihn-dough
Malyn = muh-lin
Mithle = myth-lee
Naihabi = nai-ha-bee
Oden = ou-den
Otek = oh-teh-k
Pasha = pau-shuh
Rivan = ree-vawn
Romia = row-mi-uh
Soha = soh-ha (it really is just Soha)
Sohh'aviami = so ah-vee-ah-mee
Thirré = Thee-rey
Tok = talk
Torin = towr-in
Venrythe = ven-rye-th

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