Prologue~ "Different"

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New school, great. After years of being here in Cali I'm moving all the way to Manhattan, North River Heights.

Ive lived here since I was little! I don't want to move. I'm going to lose everyone and better yet I'm going to be the odds-1-out (author- did anyone get that refrence?)! God this is so stressful! Just Why???!?

Like I know Im the child but still! A warning would be nice, please. People will make fun of me for the scar and my personality! Everytime I meet someone new its always "hey what happened to your cheek?" Or "hey what's wrong with your cheek?" Its annoying. And at this school, from the pictures, everyone looks perfect. No one has a cut or scratch on them.

"Hey honey?" My father, (d/n) [dad's name] knocked on my door twice.

"Come in." I told him.
"Listen I know moving is tough. But your mom has a really good job offer. Look on the bright side, we could get that camera you wanted!" He tried to cheer me up.

"Sure." I answered.

"I promise, it's not going to that bad." He smiled and hugged me. "I promise."

But this was back in summer. I'm here now. Here in Manhattan, North River Heights.

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