MR. March and April

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Happy 21st Birthday to LunaDep.....

Chapter 9

I was more than happy after I left Blaise. Well all ablaze in anger. Serves him right for trying to man handle me. I was in such high spirits. I don't really know why, well secretly I am thrilled that he is jealous. But if he really is as big a player as all these men are making him out to be. I don't know if my heart can take it.

I don't get it. When we are alone he seems life such a sweet guy. We have talked on the phone and had lovely conversations. But when he gets around the guys, he gets this macho I'm sex on a stick persona. No I don't like that. But it seems they all have that. Well it's not fair for me to say all. For instance I am on my way to shoot 2 brothers, Shawn and Peter.

Shawn is the older of the 2 and Peter is younger by 3 years. But they seem to be down to earth. No flirting or having them thinks they are the shit. Hmm, I wonder if it's just an insecurity thing. They seem to give me a glimpse into their soul before going back to the persona thing. I wonder what Blaise soul contains? I was deep in thought when Monique came up behind me.

"Stop daydreaming about my brother. It's so gross" She shivers to emphasize her point.

I turn and glare at her "um, can Carter and I take an early day?" She blushed as she asked. She's not working for me nor needs permission. Then it hits me.

"Oh hells no, are you going to go do the nasty?" I ask shaking my head. "Well you're lucky I'm mad at your brother. Remember to use protection. You guys are too young to be having babies." I tell them and shrug. Hey they over 21 years old and what they choose to do with their bodies, is their own choice.

Monique's POV

I was all giddy. I know Alia was going to shoot 2 more guys. There was no way Blaise was going to leave her unsupervised. So he calls it. He's suck a dork. He should just tell her he likes her and wants to be her boyfriend. Look at me and Carter, once he asked we couldn't be happier.

"Come on Romeo" I say to him as I walk over to where he was talking to Stan.

"You know your brother would have a coronary if he knew what you were up to" Stan said as he smiled at us.

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