Mr. February

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Chapter 8

Blaise POV

I went home that evening and went to take a shower. I didn’t even want to spend my time yelling at Monique at the moment. I was going hunting tonight. So all my energy and attention needed to go towards my target, I smile as I shower and shave.

I was sitting on my chair getting ready to put my socks on. I was only in my boxers and a wife beater when my door was slammed open. “What the fuck” I yell out when I see Scott barge into my room.

He glares at me “what, it’s not like there is something there I don’t have” he tells me.

“What are you talking about? Look at all the manliness hiding inside my shirt.” I tell him as I lift my shirt. 

He glares at me and throws the football at me that was on my dresser. “I had a running with that girl you liked earlier and because of her cousin I had to hail her as to the slammer.” He tells me making me jump out of my seat.

“Scott, you better start talking before I go all cavemen on your ass.” I tell him as I make my way to him.

“Hey it wasn’t my fault. I thought I was doing a routine stop.”  He says running his fingers through his hair. “So when I pulled the car over, I recognized her. But then the smart mouth sitting next to her, starts yelling. She said something about it being end of month. That I needed to use up all my tickets up before the 31st.”

He started to pace back and forth and I tried very hard to hold back my laughter. I’ve never seen cool, calm and collected Scott this riled up. “So what did you do?” I asked.

“Well I was still going to let them off the hook but she exited the care and came at me.” He looked at me and a weird look crossed his features. “I went on instinct and twirled her around and cuffed her.”

My jaw dropped. You cuffed my woman” I tell him getting pretty pissed.

“No I cuffed her smart ass cousin Giselle. Then I hauled her ass to jail. That will teach her to respect the law.” He said and I swear I saw steam coming out of his nostrils.

“Well hey you have to do what you have to do. You’re the law.” I tell him as I slap his back. Then go back to getting ready for dinner at Jed’s.

“Well I just wanted to tell you what happened. You know how girls are about making stuff up. Alia said she was going to tell you. It’s not like you can do anything about it.” He said smirking at me.

“Wow, did she really say that?” I ask and smile. Granted I can’t do anything, but the fact that she thought of me was enough to warm my insides.

“Damn, look at that look. Your seriously fucked man, I’m out of here before Xavier and your shit becomes contagious. I think Sebastian had the right idea with running away.” Scott said making me turn to look at him.

“How is he?” I asked referring to Sebastian.

FUEGO (Book 2= in the Men In Uniform series)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ