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moly pov

every since my mom and dad died in that car wreck I  been on my own. 

I ran away from foster care and found this little-abanded house I've been sleeping 

until one night 

It was 9:00 at night

I was very hungry so I went out to get something to eat 

As I was walking down the street and I heard yelling

I started running to where the sound was coming from

When I got there I seen three boys beating on this other boy, they all looked about my age

Me being the kind-hearted person I am, I started pulling on them telling them to stop. 

One of them turned around and punched me then I blacked out




Lucas pov

I didn't mean to punch the girl in the face but I had to shut her up

after we killed that young nigga for stealing my money we took the girl to our house

I put her in my room on the bed walked out making sure to close the door




moly pov

i woke up with a headache 

i didn't even know where i was

i got out of the bed and walked downstairs 

soon as I got to the last step i saw two boys sitting on the couch playing GTA

i was trying to sneak past them then a stepped on a chip cause them to turn and look at me

Lucas-look who finally woke up

me-yea mmmmm can you take me home

nba-damn lil mama fine asf

lucas-nahh shawty I own you now

me- bitch  nobody owns me fuck u mean let me go bitch i yelled

lucas-shut tf up with all that yelling cuz that's not gonna get you anywhere

I just sat on the floor and started crying

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2017 ⏰

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