Chapter 11 - So Close

Start from the beginning

"You really don't remember, do you?" He asked.

"Remember what Jesse?" I asked exhausted of the back and forth.

"Last night." He said and then looked at me as if we shared some sort of secret.

"Okay, apparently a lot happened last night that I don't recall. I can't be held accountable for anything because I was half dead." I said.

Dead from the pain, exhaustion and heartache.

"You said you still loved me." He whispered.

"Excuse me?" I said shocked.

"I'm not lying Jamie." He said sincerely.

"Well I don't believe you." I said.

"It's the truth." He argued.

"Was I drugged or something?" I asked sarcastically.

"That's what I thought but I heard you say it loud and clear Jamie. You don't have to be confused about..." He started but I didn't give him chance to finish.

"Did I say your name?" I interrupted.

"No, why?" He asked.

"Because if I didn't then I probably wasn't talking to you. I was probably thinking about Zion." I reasoned.

"Maybe, maybe not." He said.

"There is no maybe! I didn't say that to you." I protested.

"Right, because that would be the worst thing in the world? Loving me?" He asked.

That question carried more weight than anything I've ever been asked.

"No, loving you wouldn't be the worst thing Jesse, losing Zion would be." I said honestly.

"You were right..." He said, sadly.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Why am I still here?" He said, reminding me of what I had just said to him out of anger.

"Jesse." I said.

"Even I don't know, maybe I like the way you hurt me." He said and then waited for me say something. When I didn't, he made his way to the door.

Do I let him just leave or should I stop him?

Do I even want to him to go?

What if I can't get Zion back, would I need him then?

He stopped in his tracks and turned around like he had just read my very selfish thoughts.

"Oh and your phone is on the bed side table, it's been there the whole time." He said without emotion and pointed to where it was.

I turned to see it and sure enough my phone was right there but when I looked back to Jesse, he was gone.

What did I just do?

It was either I run to stop Jesse from leaving or I stay back to call Zion.

Of course, I chose the latter.

"Come on, come on, come on, pick up Zion!" I cried while trying his number.


*Zion's Pov*

I put a pound in the airport pay phone and dialed a number that I knew all too well.

What was I doing?

How many times would I let her hurt me?

I just couldn't leave her without saying goodbye.

"Hello?" Her familar voice was strained like she had been crying the whole night.

Was she okay?

"Hello, who is this?" She asked.

Say something Zion, come on.

"Hello?" She asked getting annoyed.

Why couldn't I say anything?

"Jamie..." I finally whispered into the phone after a brief moment of silence but was answered by the beeping sound of the call ending.

It was too late, she had already hung up.

"Last call to board, flight 209 to LA, California." A woman annnouced over the speakers.

I guess this is goodbye.

A/N - Sorry this was short and sucked but I tried. Follow me on twitter @Azanorsarah and I'll follow you back.

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