Chapter 11 - So Close

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A/N - Sorry for the delay guys. I was occupied with school work and lot of other personal stuff (A guy kinda rejected me (_) so I didn't feel like writing romance.) But it's here now so enjoy!

*Jamie's Pov*

"He's gone Jamie, it's too late." My dad said while shooting daggers at Jesse.

He was speaking English but his words made no sense to me.

"No, that's not possible." I said in denial.

Zion wouldn't just leave like that.

"He's probably on his way to the airport Jamie, there's nothing you can do now." He said and then left Jesse and I alone in silence with a disappointed look on his face.

"He's not gone...he can't be." I whispered to myself.

"Jamie?" Jesse called beside me.

"I have to call him and tell him to come back." I said, ignoring Jesse and then I started lifting up pillows frantically off my bed in order to find my phone.

"Jamie." He said a bit louder.

"I'll just tell Zion to wait a day or two for me to pack, then we can leave this place together." I said mostly to myself, still checking on the bed.

I still couldn't find my stupid phone.

"Where the hell is it?" I yelled in frustration.

"Jamie!" Jesse yelled to get my attention.

"What? What do the hell do you want Jesse? You already chased away my boyfriend!" I snapped.

"Excuse me?" He asked offended.

"You heard me. If it wasn't for you sleeping in my bed last night, this wouldn't be happening!" I screamed at him, not thinking.

"You were the one who told him you wouldn't go in the first place! And if I remember last night correctly, you were the one who clinged to me and begged me to stay!" He screamed back.

I don't even remember that.

"Oh my God, why are you even here? Zion and I had no problems for two whole years, we practically had a perfect relationship and suddenly you show up, we break up and Zion's moving across the world?" I said annoyed.

"I wouldn't call your relationship perfect Jamie, and it's not my fault that you and your perfect boyfriend don't communicate." He said hurt.

"Zion and I do communicate." I argued.

He has no idea how close we are.....were.

"Then why didn't you tell him about your nightmares and why didn't you tell him the reason you didn't want to go to LA?" He countered.

"I...he wouldn't..." I trailed off speechless.

That seemed to be the million dollar question.

"He wouldn't understand? You're starting to sound like a broken record Jamie. Shouldn't you be with someone who does understand you. Maybe the reason you didn't give him a chance to is because you're confused." He said.

What is he talking about?

"Confused? What on earth would I be confused about?" I asked.

"Your feelings for me." He answered.


"My feelings for you? The only thing I'm feeling right now is regret." I scoffed.

Who does he think he is?

The Arranged Proposal //PM ZionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ