Chapter 7

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Sierra's POV

I woke up this morning at 6:00, so I could get to school early. I wore skinny jeans and a sweatshirt, as usual, only I decided to take a break from my uggs and wear ballet flats for a change.

But today I put on more makeup than usual. I just felt like looking special today. And I was kind of really excited to see Harry. I don't know why he left yesterday without saying anything, but that moment yesterday was perfect. I expected him to be so cruel, but he was the complete opposite.

On my way to school I listened to some of the songs I never really played anymore on my phone. I just felt like switching things up.

When I got to the building, I picked Harry out of the crowd easily. I approached him, expecting a smile or a 'Hey' or some other nice gesture, but I got the exact opposite.

Harry's POV

"Hey isn't that her now?" Louis asked me while lighting a cigarette. I looked over and spotted Sierra walking in my direction, with a beaming smile on her face.


"Hey," She said timidly. Louis and Zayn exchanged looks and smirked. "Hey there, babe," Louis chuckled. She just smiled awkwardly. She was fucking gorgeous compared to the other girls at this school. They didn't have shit on her. She had this glow that just radiated off of her.

"Come here," Zayn coaxed her. Real fucking smooth, Zayn. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and she looked unbelievably uncomfortable.

"Want one?" Louis held out a cigarette, and she cringed.

"No." she quickly replied.

"Why not? It's fine. Wanna try?" And before I had time to think about it, I snatched the damn thing out of his hand.

"She fucking said no, Louis." I snapped and a look of relief immediately took over her face. She didn't say anything as I lit the cigarette for myself.

"Jeez, Styles calm down." Louis chuckled. That little shit pisses me off sometimes.

"So, who's the lucky guy?" Zayn asked Sierra with a smirk, knowing the answer.

"What? No- I'm sing- I mean I don't have a boyfriend." she looked around awkwardly and Zayn moved closer. I was seconds away from snapping his fucking neck. She can't handle someone like him. He's taken advantage of so many girls. We all have and Sierra doesn't need anything to do with that. Especially not with Zayn. Or me.

"Really?" He asked. "I would have figured guys would be all over you." he smirked and threw his cigarette to the ground, stomping it out right before kissing her cheek. She turned her head away from him.

That's it.

"Hey Sierra I need to talk to you about the Homework for English." And before I could think about what I was doing, I had my arm around her, the both of us walking towards the school entrance, leaving Zayn and Louis back at the wall.

We walked inside quickly and I pulled her into the janitor's closet. She looked up at me with anticipation in her eyes. "What was that yesterday?" she gazed up at me in awe.

"Look," I started. "I wasn't thinking at all. Don't worry, I have zero feelings for you." I said completely honestly.

"..What?" She said, her eyes filling with tears. "But I liked me?"

"What?" I gaped. "No!" I said, soon regretting the words.

"I..." she began to cry. What the hell! I don't know how to stop girls from crying. Makeup? Shoes? Starbucks?

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey." I gently touched her face, wiping her tears away. "Don't cry...I didn't mean it like that...I just...I'm fucked up, Sierra."

She looked up into my eyes. Her eyes were a mix of blue and green that was so beautiful together. A perfect match of colours. "You don't seem just...I don't know." She was inches away from my face.

"Don't get yourself into this," I warned. "I'm not a good person, Sierra."

But I found myself slowly being drawn closer to her. Our lips were nearly touching, and she fluttered her eyes shut. So many emotions flooded my mind right now, and I just focused on her. Nothing else was important at the moment.

I slowly brought my lips to hers and I was in heaven. Her lips parted along with mine, and I could tell she isn't used to this. I remind myself to be gentle, and go very slow. I've never kissed anyone like this before. It's usually quick and sexual, but this is slower and more passionate.

This time, it's worth something.

We work in perfect sync along with each other. Nothing else could be better right now.

When it ends, I'm forced to go back to the shitty world of reality. "I mean it Sierra. No dating after this. I don't do the whole dating thing." I say in a tone as strict as I can at the moment. If I knew how to, I would, but I've never dated. And I'm not practicing on her. She nods and smiles at me. Pure beauty is standing right there in front of me, but I know I'm not allowed to hold it as my own. Someone like me would completely destroy someone like her. She is perfect and I would destroy her like every other beautiful thing I touch.

Sierra's POV

"Look," He said to me "I wasn't thinking at all. Don't worry, I have zero feelings for you." What? But the other day... It had to have been real. At least it was for me.

"..What?" I choked, and I tried with every ounce of energy inside of me to hold back my tears. "But I liked me?"

"What?" He gaped at me. "No!" He said, and the words stung so horribly. I couldn't keep back the tears.

"I..." I didn't know what to say. I was embarrassed.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey." His hand moved to my face, wiping away my tears, giving me a small gasp of relief. "Don't cry. I didn't mean it like that…I just...I'm fucked up, Sierra."

Our eyes met and the corners of his mouth slightly curved up into a smile.

"You don't seem just...I don't know." I said, lost in his eyes.

"Don't get yourself into this. I'm not a good person, Sierra." He said. We were being drawn closer and closer to each other. "I can do this" I thought, terrified.

I closed my eyes and his lips slowly came in contact with mine. I felt sort of embarrassed. I'm not used to this. It's new to me. It's not that I'd never kissed a guy before, just never one I wanted to. But he goes slowly and gently, and I wish I could freeze time and capture this moment.

We move our lips in sync, in motions that flow together perfectly. I've never been kissed this way by Mason. We've never shared a moment quite like this one. This was a moment of pure bliss.

When the moment is over he looks at me gently. "I mean it Sierra. No dating after this. I don't do the whole dating thing." He says firmly and I nod. I want to ask him so many things, but I just smile and look at him. He has this dark facade of hatred and carelessness, but he looks almost damaged on the inside, as if he's been hurt and is afraid of being hurt as well as hurting others, but doesn't know how to control it.

Like me.

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