Chapter Two

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Tae headed out to the store to buy some more food for the house, and he decided to buy a few new games for his XBox One X, which he hadnt been using to much recently. While at the store, Tae felt like he saw Hoseok, but, he wasnt sure, so, he decided against seeing if it was him. He bought the stuff he needed and left the store. He put his hood up, for the wind was starting to pick up a bit, and he was feeling a bit colder. Tae started walking faster so he could get to his warm house quicker.

Taehyung stepped into his home and quickly shut the door.

"Oh my god, so warm.." Taehyung said, as he leaned againt his front door for a minute. He then went into the kitchen and put away his groceries.

As Tae came back in the living room area, he threw his hoodie to the corner of his 'L' shaped couch, and got some more light in the house, by opening a curtain behind the couch, but also turning on a lamp. He the slipped the hat, beanie (whatever), on, over his eyes, and posed for a picture.

(Lets pretend the background is a couch a light from a window :3)

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(Lets pretend the background is a couch a light from a window :3)

Tae took off the hat and smiled at the picture. He didnt know if he would post it, send it to someone, or just keep it for himself. After some pondering, he decided he would post it, with the caption ~

taekmeaway decided to take a selfie, no this does not mean i am back, because i still do not have much to photograph, but, you may got selfies of myself off and on....maybe. Probably not much.

He hit the post button, being afraid of what people would say. He put his phone face down, and started rehooking up his XBox to play the new games he had gotten, once he finished hooking it up, his phone made the little 'ding' noise. He went over to his phone and turned it on. He had many likes on his picture, and a few comments already, but they were all positive, so far, but, he also had another message from the hope guy.

yourhope you lied to me ☹

taekmeaway no..? How did i...?

yourhope you said you werent that good looking 😞

taekmeaway im...really not.

yourhope youre lying >.> that picture you posted is beautiful.

taekmeaway why are you saying this?

yourhope because it is very true! 😄

taekmeaway i seriously need to meet you 😂

yourhope yep! Yep you do!

taekmeaway youre so happy, my god! How?!

yourhope send me another picture of you, and ill tell you 😜

taekmeaway .....okei


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