Chapter Six

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It was now five PM. Tae was in one of Hoseok's sweatshirts, that had his name on it, because the two wanted something different for a few different selfies.

"Soooo. Wanna start a stream?" Hoseok asked Taehyung.

"Yea!" Lets start!" Tae replied.

Hoseok smiled and opened his closet, all the games were in there.

"Holy shit..-aki mushrooms thats alot of games."

Hoseok chuckled and nodded "Yea. And, ive already beaten them all. Thats why im struggling."

"Jeez thats....that...could be a record."

Hoseok shrugged. "I wouldnt know who to tell if i wanted to be in a record book."

Taehyung giggled then covered his mouth, blushing, then uncovered it and smiled like nothing happened.

Hoseok just laughed a little "Cute." He then pulled out a game. "Call of Duty Black Ops 3 sound good?"

"Uh yea, sure." Tae said smiling.

"We're doing it now, just so you know."

"O-oh. Oh! Do i look fine?"

"Yes. Of course. You always do, from what ive seen." Hoseok replied smiling. "Lets make the post on Instagram and Twitter."

Taehyung blushed a little "O-okay!"

Hoseok smiled and looked through the selfies they had taken. "Wanna use this one?"

"Yea! That one works." Tae said with a smile

yourhope steaming soon with @taekmeaway! Be in the look out for when we start!

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

yourhope steaming soon with @taekmeaway! Be in the look out for when we start!

1800deadinside oh yess. Thatll be so cute and amazing! My two favourite Instagrammers together!

Hoseok then posted it to Twitter, though he used a different picture.

(Yes they went outside at some point for some selfies)

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

(Yes they went outside at some point for some selfies)

YourHope gonna be streaming soon with a guest! Be ready!

Oofmemes who's the guest?

YourHope @Oofmemes taekmeaway on Instagram. He said he doesnt have a twitter right now.

Oofmemes @YourHope oh! I know him! Cool

Hoseok smiled and looked to Tae.

Tae looked down at his shirt "Oh! I still have your sweatshirt on!"

"You can keep it. I have a lot of hoodies and stuff."

"You sure?"

"Yea! Of course!" Hoseok smiled and started to set up the set for the live stream.

It didnt take long, so, after only a bit, the two were playing Black Ops, while enjoy some snacks, and laughing, getting some small dares in the comments of the stream, because Hoseok asked for some halfway in.

"Tae, this one is daring us to kiss." Hoseok said looking to his laptop, they were playing on the TV, but could only see comments on the laptop.

"No. W-we arent a couple, so it wont happen."

"The people want it. Most of these coments right now are asking for it."

"Tell them they can get their make out session from my friends pron site."

"Your friend has a porn site?"

Tae nodded "Jungkook and Jimin do gay pron. Yes, i know, weird. But, they always say it pays good." Tae shrugged.

Knocking was then heard at Hoseok's door.

"Fuck. Hold on guys, one second. Tae entertain them." Hoseok then got up and answered the door.

Taehyung had blushed, taken aback a bit. The huge crowd of people may have not been right in front of him, but they were still there.

"Uhhmmm..." Tae scratched his head and read through the comments. He had layed down cuz he was farther from the laptop than Hoseok.

"Send the site? Nah. You can find it on your own. Its quite easy." Tae read through some more. "Do i like Hoseok? As a friend of course."  "Why am i wearing his sweater? Because we were taking selfies together and he wanted something to make them look different. I asked him if he wanted it back, but he said i could keep it."  "Im cute? Aww. Thanks. I get that alot but only sometimes beleive it."  "How close are Hoseok and i?" Tae thought for a bit "I think we've known each other for about a week. Id think we're friends, maybe close friends already. You know...we just...clicked?" Tae laughed a bit "But thats just what i think."

Then Hoseok came back, and Tae sat up. Hoseok looked at the laptop and laughed.

"Did you have fun talking with them?"

Tae nodded.

"Maybe i should let you do some streams where you just talk with them."

Tae shrugged. "Thatd be fun."

"Alright, back to the game!"

Tae nodded and they contuied the actual stream.


The stream was two hours, fourty seven minutes, and fifty three seconds long. Tae was surprised he didnt fall asleep or get bored. He looked at the time and saw it was now 8:18 PM.

"Hoseok, you may wanna be taking me home soon. Its late."

Hoseok looked at the time "Oh hey, youre right. But do you really want to go home?"

"Yea, i need to. Plus, i have work tomorrow, and im getting a dog tomorrow too."

Hoseok gasped. "What type? What gender?"

"Pomeranian, male."

"Ah dang. If only it was female."

"Even if it was, it wouldnt be getting pregnant."

Hoseok frowned "Why not?"

"I dont feel up to taking care of around 6 or 7 dogs right now." Tae laughed a little and got up. "If i didnt have much of life, maybe. Now take me home."

"Aw alright." Hoseok frowmed still and got his jacket on, heading out, Tae following.

Sorry, shorter chapter >.< next chapter will be normal length. I promise.

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