Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Here we go again ... the plot bunny just couldn't stay away. Persistent little fucker. Originally, this began as a dream. When I woke up, I wrote down as much as I could, but it's morphed into something different.

We're going to have a jump in time and get our two lovebirds some alone time, too.

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Weeks passed and Bella's pain eventually subsided. There was always a dull ache, but the throbbing agony she'd experienced that first night hadn't reappeared. She eventually stopped taking her heavy-duty pain killers after a week in order to sleep and within two weeks, she was able to move without limping. Part of it was to prove to Oliver and Audrey that she could handle a full schedule. The other part was to be able to give Edward his birthday present. They'd made love, but he was always doing the 'work.' Bella wanted to make love to him.

By the grace of the scheduling gods, Bella and Edward were both off for his birthday in mid-June. They wanted to explore their new city and decided to wander about the award-winning rose gardens and Japanese gardens. After that, they went out to eat and went back to Edward's apartment where Bella gave him his gift ... herself. They made love, or rather, Bella made love to Edward, rolling her body over his, all night. In addition to the lovemaking, she'd also purchased a new watch for him and Keurig. His apartment was lacking a coffee maker. He didn't mind going down to the local coffee shop, but Bella was not fully awake until she had her morning cup of joe. And she was not about to get dressed to get her daily jolt of caffeine.

So, the Keurig was a selfish present, but one he happily accepted.

Weeks turned into months and in late August, while Bella and Edward were sharing a meal in the cafeteria, his cell phone rang. "Masen," he barked tersely. "Oh, Jane ... hello!" Bella arched a brow. Edward mouthed it was his realtor. "There's an offer on my house? Do you think it's a fair offer?"

Bella scribbled down a question onto a napkin. How much?

$25K below asking price, he wrote back. "Counter back, splitting the difference. Let me know if they accept. Thanks, Jane," he nodded. Hanging up the phone, he looked up at Bella. "They're really interested."

"If they really want your place, they should take your counter offer," Bella smiled. "With the house being sold, are you going to look for something more permanent?"

He looked down and reached across, taking Bella's slender hand in his. "I'm going to stay where I am because the next step I want to take is to move in with you, love. I know that you're not ready for that. Adult sleepovers have their benefits, but having our own places is also nice, too. But, when you're ready, I am. I want to find a house for the two of us and make it a home."

Bella blushed and nodded, leaning over the table to quickly peck him on the lips. "I want that, too, but I have seven months left on my lease."

"And I just extended my lease for another six," he said. "Do you think you'll be ready ...?"

"Yes," she breathed. "By then, yes. And, I want to go with you, back to Seattle, when you sign over the paperwork for your house. I want to see ... I want to see where Harborview was."

"Okay, Bella," he said, kissing her pulse point. Both of their phones vibrated, indicating an emergency incoming. "I need you, Bella. A bus load of kids on a field trip."

"Ollie and Audrey are on their way down, too," Bella nodded, checking her phone. "Come on."

They made their way to the emergency room. Edward was in charge for the day. He barked out orders and trauma rooms were set up. Bella changed out of her dress clothes and into a pair of scrubs. As the kids arrived, they were filtered into various locations in the emergency room. The more serious patients were sent into the trauma rooms. Bella worked with Edward on a little girl who was crushed behind the driver's seat. A truck had blown through a stop light, t-boning the bus. They worked tirelessly and seamlessly, trying to save the girl. Edward's hands were in her chest, massaging her heart while Bella worked on stabilizing her pelvic fracture. The girl, if she survived the first twenty-four hours, would have a long, grueling recovery.

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