[ 1 ] Last Day of Summer

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Quilleana "Quill" Lestrange sat sideways in the rocking chair on the front porch of her Aunt 'Dromeda and Uncle Teddy's house. She was reading Uncle Teddy's Muggle book, A Christmas Carol. It was far from the holiday the book was about, but Uncle Teddy had told Quill that Charles Dickens was a classic Muggle writer. This small tidbit of information was all Quill needed to delve into the world of Ebenezer Scrooge.

As much of a book-lover Quill was, she couldn't make herself focus. She had been reading for three hours, ever since she had woken up at nine o'clock, yet she was still on the same page as when she picked up the book. It was the week before the start of Quill's fourth year at Hogwarts, and all she could think about was the week before her first year.

"Come on, Draco, before all the coconut ices are gone!" Eleven-year-old Quill tugged on her best friend's arm.

"We haven't asked Mum and Dad yet!" Draco exclaimed, standing his ground, though he had to admit, the prospect of going to Honeyduke's sounded delightful.

Quill huffed, dropping Draco's arm. He was no fun when he followed the rules. Though, Quill couldn't blame him; Uncle Lucius was scary when he was angry. "Well, then, where are they?" Quill looked around exasperatedly, finally spotting her aunt and uncle emerging from around a dark corridor.

"Aunt Cissy, Aunt Cissy!" Quill exclaimed, zooming to meet them. "Uncle Luci!"

Draco groaned, torn between staying where his parents ordered him and chasing after Quill to save her from as much backlash as possible. As a last-minute decision, Draco took off at a sprint, gripping Quill's blouse a moment too late.

"Quilleana," Uncle Lucius said in a dangerously low voice, "haven't I told you, numerous times, not to call me that silly little name? And why have you strayed from the spot I very specifically told you not to leave?"

Quill visibly shrunk in fear and her lip quivered. "I - I'm sorry, Uncle Luci - Lucius," she hiccuped, willing herself not to cry, though she could still feel the tears burning her eyes. "I just wanted to ask ... H - Honey - Honeydukes."

"We have to gather your school supplies," Uncle Lucius replied harshly, his eyes sending daggers through Quill's soul. "Unless you wish to show up on your first day looking like a total fool, I suggest we get going."

Uncle Lucius brushed past Quill, almost knocking her off her feet with the force of his bump against her small body. With Draco and Uncle Lucius turned away, Quill used this time to brush her tears away and sniffle quietly.

Aunt Cissy bent down to Quill's level, stroking the girl's hair. "Tell you what," Aunt Cissy said softly, "let's make a deal. You behave perfectly, not breaking any rules - or bending them - and I'll buy you a bag of coconut ice big enough to last until the ride to Hogwarts."

Quill sniffled, nodding her head. Without a second thought, she wrapped her arms around her Aunt Cissy's neck and hugged her tightly. Aunt Cissy hugged her just as tightly.

Quill hadn't realized she was crying until her quarter-kneazle Calico cat Nebula sidled up to her, nuzzling her furry face into Quill's neck. "Hey, Neb," Quill spoke softly, stroking the cat's fur. Despite how Uncle Lucius - and sometimes Aunt Narcissa - treated Quill, she missed them like crazy. For a while, they had been the only family she knew; Draco had been her best friend. Now they all treated her as less than dirt, claiming she was a disgrace to the Lestrange and Black names. And to think, it all started with her being Sorted into Hufflepuff.

Quill looked up at the sky, the summer sun shining brilliantly. There was a slight breeze, strong enough to push the porch swing to make it creak and croak. She finally shut the book, carefully setting it on the porch floor. When she looked back up, a midnight black speck had appeared among the baby blue. A few seconds later, an owl flecked with white perched on the rocking chair arm. "Hello, Ash," Quill greeted the owl, stroking his beak with her forefinger. "Another letter from Jacque?"

Ash hooted and held out his gray leg, his talons curled inwardly so as not to accidentally prick Quill or the scars and recent cuts the owl knew to be there. Quill reached out and untied the ribbon, opening up the letter.

Dear Quill,
I'm excited for tomorrow, aren't you? First day back at Hogwarts? Well, maybe you're not as excited as I am.. I've said it a million times, and I'll say it again. It's a school of MAGIC! Only bad thing is, all the jerks at the school. But hey, we'll get to see each other at least!
I miss your handwriting. If you hadn't been wanting to talk, I understand. I just.. I miss you.
Much love,
your Slythers

Quill bit her lip, feeling guilty. Her best friend was upset, and she knew it. Deciding that she would make herself write a letter back, no matter the length, Quill pushed herself off the chair.

"Come on, Ash." Quill trekked inside, the black and white-bespeckled owl following, its wings flapping at her head.

Aunt 'Dromeda looked up as Quill walked past the kitchen entryway. "'Leana? You want something to eat? I'm making sandwiches."

Quill stopped, biting her lip. She had skipped supper the night before and hadn't eaten any breakfast that morning. And if she had it her way, she wouldn't be eating tonight either. "I'm not that hungry," Quill replied, and as she saw her aunt's face fall, she added, "But maybe half a peanut butter and jelly with a dash of honey in the middle?"

Aunt 'Dromeda gave a small smile. Quill was trying, that was all that mattered. "I'll call you when it's ready. Oh, hi, Ash! Jacqueline wrote again?"

Quill nodded her head. She cringed slightly at the pleading tone Aunt 'Dromeda probably couldn't help to have. The thing was, it seemed as if Quill was getting worse, not better, and everybody in the house knew it. And while 'Dora didn't live there anymore, she came over quite a lot, and she had noticed it, too.

Quill continued to march to her room, settling herself at her desk. She took out a small roll of parchment, a quill with her name engraved on the side, and a bottle of bubblegum pink ink, courtesy of 'Dora, and began writing.

Dear, Jacque
I'm sorry for my lack of correspondences. I think I'm getting worse, but I absolutely refuse to be admitted to St. Mungo's. Merlin only knows that's what Uncle Lucius would try to do in a heartbeat, and with his connections, it'd probably happen as fast, too.
You are correct on my not being as excited to going back to Hogwarts as you are, my lovely little Muggle-born. I am excited to see you again, though.
Yours truly,

Quill rolled up the parchment as soon as it dried, tied it with a black ribbon, and fastened it around Ash's leg. "Here you go, boy." She picked up a biscuit similar to that of a dog's - though certainly not the same - and placed it in his beak. "For the journey back home. Give her a kiss for me."

Quill pressed a small kiss to Ash's feathered head, and, with a ruffle of his wings, he flew out of her open window.

The Dementor's KissOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant