Am I dead?

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"I had always heard that a person's life flashed before their eyes when they reached the verge of death. I had often wondered, what would flsah infront of my eyes. I had never imagined that the scenes that would flash before death would consist of my time spent with a certain Yagami and a certain L. I remembered then, I was smiling." 
               - Amamiya Hikari

That sound again? The same metallic crinking sound. Truly speaking. The sound was starting to piss me. The same routine continued. Hitting the alarm clock, getting ready, having breakfast and leaving for school. I stiffled a yawn. Same lifestyle. Seemed like this would be a long tiring dream. Well an uneventful dream was always better than a dream where you could get killed. I was quite contended staying out of the path of Light Yagami and it was the best survival possible. Till the dream ended, I would just strive to survive...or so I thought.

"Amamiya-san. We meet again!" That cursed voice. For the love of all Shinigamis just leave me alone, damn it. Why could he not go away and bother someone else. Did he not get it, I was striving to be just an innocent bystander?

I ignored him . I closed my eyes and fisted my hand and tried to ignore.....very hard.....I tried.....tried a lot but he stopped me just like yesterday. He held my wrist so that I could not keep on walking. Gritting my teeth and with all the politeness and patience I could muster I turned around. There was that face. The face that made me want to puke from that false smile. Why was he even trying?

"Oh my! Yagami-san. So, we meet again." I smiled....well tried to atleast. Both of us looked like a pair of unwilling parties who could even barely smile at each other properly. 

I pried his hand away. He looked visibly shocked from my unwillingness of touching him.

Huh! I bet you thought that you could get all the girls...Mr.popular... Serves you right!

I wanted to laugh at his face. But it seemed like my stage was seized by none another than Ryuk and he started to laugh hysterically, like the maniac he is. Light, I might dare say, looked quite irritated. Well, I could not blame him.....I almost.....almost sympathised with him. 

"Lets walk together shall we?" What was with the cheerful aura anyways? Why was he even paying any attention to me. Oh right. I remember. I was scared of his presence. This reminded me, he had asked me something. I looked at him with a questioning gaze. He was well....smiling awkwardly, his lips tugging into a forced smile.

"Sorry Yagami-san. I was not paying attention. What were you saying?" I looked at him, well tried to keep eye contact......only if Ryuk could stop peaking from behind Light's shoulder. What was he, a child? He almost looked comical might I add.

"I said, lets walk together!" I nodded hesitantly and so we started a familiar treck towards that dreaded school.

The same familiar pocking. Could she stop that already. Why poke me? Oh God! I turned towards her direction and gave her a cheerful smile. Gulping down my anger was the best way. 

"So Hikari, what do you think about this KIRA guy?" Again that question? Why was she so obsessed with KIRA anyways? 

"Hmm... Let's see. How about you marry him and invite me to your marriage. I would gladly go and stuff myself with food." I smiled a sweet smile and her facial expression changed from blushing to furious. She was flustered. She so deserved it. She was being annoying.

"Hikari. I was just asking. We always used to talk about him and you never used to act like this.Hikari you have changed!" She visibly pouted and looked away.

Always talked about him? What was this Hikari girl anyways? A worshiper of Yagami Light or should I say KIRA? Well all these thoughts could wait because the girl beside me was sniffling like there was no tommorow. I sighed.

"Look Miyami-chan. I am not being rude. It's just that well this KIRA guy is interesting and I could know more about him if he becomes my friend's husband." Well that did the trick and she started to laugh out of joy.

I peeked at Light. Oh well! It was what I had dreaded. He had overheard the conversation and was now smiling creepily. 

I hope he did not take my words seriously.......

The mathematics class again, really? Just as I had expected, he was staring at me with a small smile. 

"So, you like KIRA!" There was that question. I do not like you nor doI like KIRA. I like myself and my status of being alive.

What should I say now?

" Not really liking......"he stiffened and that smile started to disappear "neither hating....well I guess you could say I am as neutral about that guy as a normal girl can be about a serial killer." I stressed on the normal part to instil it into his rather smart brain but I had messed up at the last part. I should not have said serial killer. Now he was staring at me, well glaring that is.....

Survival is important.......important....

"But then again, he could very well be called a God. He is practically deciding fates of other humans." I gritted my teeth..... I had to remind myself that it was for survival.  What harm would a little fanning the ego do if you could survive? And it did not really prove that I supported his actions. Well apparently my words had worked like magic because now the bastard was smiling once again. How much bipolar was he? 

Ryuk was laughing once again. Truly speaking, I was debating if I should throw a chair at him or not. 

Somehow, without my consent, Light was walking beside me and  we were headed towards home after the ending of school for the day. I wanted to shout at him. To Leave me alone. How hard was it anyways, to not bother me? Apparently he had decided that he should tag along with me. Ryuk stared at me with a calculating gaze as he continued floating before us and  almost shoving his face into my own. I had to check myself from being getting startled. If I did even one thing suspicious I would very well be the next victim of the death note.

Walking like a normal person was not possible because it seemed like  Ryuk had taken a special liking to me. Might I dare say, he was checking me out or more specifically my breasts. He was practically staring at them and I was feeling mortified. I could bet that my face was as red as a tomato by now.

"Amamiya-san, what do you think about the recent victim, the one which got hit by a truck?" I looked at Light. He had this habit of speaking suddenly and it always gave me a mini heart attack.

"Hmm.....don't know. Really have not given it a thought." I placed a thoughtful finger on my chin and answered him honestly. He nodded. 

Getting hit by a truck.....why did it sound so familiar?

My head, I could not stop it from pounding strongly. Neither could I stop my actions of taking it between my hands and sitting down on the road hunched over. The possibility of my name being written on the death note crossed my mind. Had I not been careful enough? Apparently not! I failed to form anymore thoughts as the darkness enveloped me. Oh! Darkness....atleast this looked familiar.

A/n: Read and. Review.

Thank you!

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