Does God Of Death Really Love Apples

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" Have you ever given it  a second thought, what if  Shinigamis loved oranges? Apparently I had given it a thought. I was mildly surprised when It took me about 150 wasted oranges to discover that Shinigamis neither loved apples nor did they love oranges. fact loved the colour red....." dark......everything is so dark....

It seeemed like I was floating silently, very silently into oblivion. It took me about 2 minutes to fathom what had just happened. Then it struck me....No shit, I was dead! But was I not supposed to live? How had I died this fast? 

One moment I was walking down the road and in the next moment a blinding pain overtook me, sheer white flooded my vision and it felt as if someone tore apart my skull. I stared at the open sky, the blue swirling with white clouds as my vision started becoming was all black.....pitch black.....


The ringing of a super annoying metallic crink slapped me back to consciousness. I opened my eyes ever so slightly looking around myself. I tried to pin point the exact location of the oh so annoying sound. I turned my head and discovered that it was an alarm clock. An alarm clock decorated in the colours of a very unhealthy bright pink. I winced from the sound and slammed my hand on it to stop its cacophony. 

A sigh escaped my parted lips. I did not remember buying a pink alarm clock. Scratch that, I never had an alarm clock. If I could remember clearly, I always had a trusty cellphone to wake me up on time. I stared at the ceiling. I tilted my head slightly.......when did my ceiling look so.....well......animated? I shot up in a siting position and stared at the ceiling for a good 10 minutes...

Hmmm.....was there always an animatedly shiny looking ceiling fan?

I looked around  myself, the desk, the chair, the bed, the window, the A.C.everything was dare I say shiny and animated? 

Hmmm....I am dreaming once again! Oh well. Why not humor the situation!

I removed the blanket from my feet and moved up to a full length mirror on the wall beside the desk. I stood in front of it. 

Wow!!!!!this dream is......well.....quite detailed..... I have never really witnessed myself as an animation in any of my dreams before.

Then it struck me. The animation style... Where had I seen it before? Placing a thoughtful finger on my chin, I tried to rewind my memory back to all the animations I had watched. The style was definitely familiar. But for some reason, I could not place a finger on it..... A sweet, melodious and motherly voice invaded my ears.

"Hikari..... Breakfast is ready. Hurry up dear. You would be late for school."a knock was heard on my door. 

I opened the door to come face to face with a woman. She was quite young just a simple lines here and there on her face revealed how tired she was. I guessed she was middle aged. Animes had pretty....artistic ways of depicting middle aged mothers after all.

So is she my mother? Has to be....

"Yes mother. Give me 15 minutes." My mouth quirked up into a nervous smile.

Japanese???? Did I just speak Japanese???  When did I learn so much of it anyways???

Alarmed I watched as my......well...... animated mother disappeared into the lower floor and I shut the door behind me. I needed some time to catch my breath. It was too much for me to digest. Waking up in an animated room, staring at a supposedly animated version of myself, speaking japanese......what would it be next, coming across a death note lying on the road? 

My eyes widened from the horrific realisation...... Death note.... That was it.....the animation style was from death note. But why death note. I wanted to cry.....why death note? Wasn't there a better anime to dream about?

Naruto,  Detective canon, fairy tail heck even aot..

No.....but none of just had to be death note.....freaking note death....

It is just a dream.....relax....lie will wake up in a few minutes....

Then there was it once again.....

" will be late." But this time it was a male voice. I guessed it might be my father? 

Well all thoughts of lying down had to be erased. Apparently I was late for school. Very gingerly I got up from my bed and locked the washroom door behind me to get ready. Within a few minutes I was ready. 

I was shocked....panicking......fidgeting.....all types of nervous gesture that could overcome a human had took over me in that instant. I was siting infront of a family. Well my family to be exact. On a luxurious dining table spread with typical japanese breakfast and opposite to me sat a man, his face covered by a newspaper and a woman peeling oranges. No their presence  was not my reason of reason was the newspaper headline which stated


The terrifying part, it was all very well scribbled in japanese. But somehow I read it clearly. Very disturbingly clearly. The news was something which I was not too shocked to read. Well it would be a lie if I totally denied its effects. It had peeved me. The news had peeved me slightly but the realisation that somehow I was speaking and understanding japanese was more disturbing. The majority of it was because......well in none of my dreams have I ever spoken japanese and the dream was feeling too real to be.....well.....a dream. 

My walk from my home to school was not too long. The discovery of the fact that somehow I knew the map to school was a bit nerve wracking but otherwise I was not really shaken. 

The next corner to the right and then a left and I would reach the school.

I had sometimes played the hypothetical situation in my mind. What if I ever met Light in real life. What would I do? What would be my reaction? I had always come up with the solution of some heart thumping situation like either getting romantically involved or getting brutally murdered. I had often imagined a very nervous scenario where I would stand before him and magically I would be capable of making him believe that I was some stranger, unimportant and he would walk away.

But never in my life had I imagined the situation I was in now. For now Light Yagami was walking beside me and I was well rooted to the ground in shock, paralyzed and unmoving. He looked at me. I am sure, he had seen the expression of pure terror on my face for I knew that my eyes were wide in horror and my face was sweating like crazy. He stopped and narrowed his eyes. 

I had never known true fear before that day. I gulped loudly. What should I say to make him believe that I was just a stranger, no one one whom he should concern one whose name and face he should remember.....

No shit!!! Not him!!!

Were the only thoughts that had crossed my mind then. 

A/n: First chapter over.

Guys read and comment. I would appreciate any kind of reviews that would come to this story.

Thank You!

~ crazylunatic 

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