“My hair’s not that red.” Cathreese spoke up defensively. “It’s more of blonde actually. I just addedsome highlights.”

“Oh,” Nathan pretended like this made all the difference in the world, bring his hand to his heart in a ‘how could I have been so stupid’ way. “And are your eyes forest green? And your skin a light caramel brown? And your freckles?” He indicated the spots covering her face and she turned away self-consciously. She hated her freckles. 

Cathreese knew he was teasing her, flirting almost judging by the way he was smiling softly, but it still hurt. “Never mind,” she muttered, getting up so he couldn’t see how upset his taunting was making her. Why did she agree to go on this stupid trip in the first place?

“Ree…” his voice trailed off as he tried out the nickname only him had ever called her. “I’m sorry. I was just messing. I didn’t think you would take it like that.”

“Forget it,” she mumbled, keeping her eyes on the wall above his head and not on his face.

“No,” he stood up and grabbed her hand. “I hurt your feelings and I’m sorry. I always do stupid things when I’m nervous.” He got down on one knee in front of her, still holding her hand. He looked like he was about to propose. “I’m sorry; please ignore the rude and stupid things I said. I would love if you would forgive me.”

“I would love if you stood up and stopped looking like you want to marry me, because that would be a definite no.”

Nathan took this as her accepting her apology and he gave her a bring smile. “Right, I’m done being thick.”

“So are you ready to explore more?” Nathan stood up and slipped the camera, which had been resting on the coffee table, into the baggy pocket of his tan shorts. Cathreese watched with interest as the heavy weight added to his left side caused the shorts to fall off his hip. He didn’t seem to notice though, stretching his arms above his head and bringing his blue shirt up with them. A line of his smooth skin was revealed and Cathreese noticed a freckle above the waistband of his gray boxers. She must have been staring noticeably, because Nathan looked down at himself in confusion. When he saw that his shorts were hanging lopsided off his body and revealing a lot more of his underwear than Cathreese thought was appropriate, all he did was make a halfhearted attempt to pull them back up. Of course they slipped right back down, further this time. Cathreese tore herself out of the trance she was in and spoke up.

“Do you have a belt or something?”

Nathan grabbed the edge of his shirt and revealed, along with most of his muscular stomach, that he was indeed wearing a belt.

“Make it tighter.”

“Why?” Nathan wiggled his eyebrows seductively. “Does it bother you?” He somehow managed to keep his eyes locked on Cathreese’s as he pulled off his shirt and tossed it on to the couch.

He poked his stomach, still maintaining eye contact, and gave her that dimpled smile. “Does my tummy bother you?”

The sight of him standing half naked in front of her was scrambling Cathreese’s brain. Why did he have to be so hot? And where did this new super confident side of him come from? She mustered what part of her mind wasn’t mush and lied straight through her teeth. “I’ve seen better.” Then she folded her arms across her chest and smirked at him.

The façade he was putting on dropped and he grabbed his shirt self-consciously. The boy who had asked her if it was okay to call her pretty had suddenly returned, replacing the smiling, cocky guy who had convinced her to go on this adventure. Once he was dressed and his pants were sitting at an adequate height on his hips, Nathan ran a hand through his blonde hair and licked his lips nervously. “Sorry. I sure do know how to make you uncomfortable don’t I? For a moment there I forget I don’t, well, know you.”

Cathreese felt bad for making the situation more awkward than it had been so she smiled brightly, “Well that’s the point of this right? To get to know each other?”

Nathan nodded thoughtfully, “Yes it is. Okay,” he plopped down on the couch next to her, his eyes alive again, “we need rules. Like, don’t compare your hair to strawberry and no taking off my shirt. Stuff like that.”

He turned on the camera and focused it on their faces. “We are making rules. Rule number one,” he held up his finger and then swung the camera to focus solely on Cathreese, “why don’t you tell us?”

“Rule number one, no taking off your clothes. Pants must be worn at all time. Shirts are optional for sleeping.” She saw the glint in his eyes. “For you not me! I will always wear a shirt.”

“Okay,” his pout quickly dissolved into a smile, “and by pants you mean like shorts and trackies and stuff? Not like underwear pants?”

“Yeah, always have something on over your underwear.”

“Okay,” Nathan nodded thoughtfully and turned the camera back on him. “Rule number two, do not ask stupid questions. I don’t want you asking stuff like ‘where are we going’ ‘are we there yet’ or ‘how much longer.’ That’s just annoying.” Cathreese didn’t have the heart to tell him that his high pitch girl voice was without a doubt the most annoying thing they would encounter on this trip.

“Rule three,” the camera was back on her, “don’t ever leave me alone. Not for a minute.”

“Understood. And finally, the most important rule of all. Do not throw out any food, whatsoever. If you don’t eat it I will. Got it?”

Cathreese nodded, “Got it.”

“Great.” Nathan snapped the camera shut and jumped out of his seat. “Now we’re ready Zoo Bois de Vincennes here we come.”


- C o o k i e :)

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