Where are we?

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"ILL BEAT YOU BACK HOME!!" My older Sister yells, its hard trying to catch up to her when I'm so short, my sister is only two years older than me, she 16 I'm 14 i hate being the youngest child in my family.

"WAIT TIFFANY, SLOW DOWN" i lose sight of her, and i look around to see if i can see my house, i sigh cause I didn't see it.

I walk around the woods while stepping on every stick i see, i stop to the smell of a fire going, i look around to see a small cabin it look familiar as if i seen it before.

I run to the cabin, when someone walks outside "who are you?" the boy says i slowly stop "I'm Callie" i walk up closer to the Small cabin the boy walks to me "are you lost?" He asks politely i nod.

"I can't find my home, could you help me?" I look up at the sun then at the squirrel eating a nut "yes of course, how did you lose sight of your house?" The boy says

"Me and my older sister was playing in woods she ran saying she'd beat me home i told her to slow down she couldn't hear me and i lost sight of her"

"That's horrible!"

"Yeah...... i never got to ask!"

"Ask what?"

"Your name!"

"I'm Edmund"

"Nice name, Edmund"

"Thanks.....how far is your house?"

"I don't know" i look at Edmund "I'll go get a map and some supplies, we might be gone for awhile " Edmund gets up and he walks in the cabin, he comes out with a bag of supplies and a map

I stand up as he starts to walk deeper in the woods "come on!" Edmund says politely with a smile i get up and i catch up to him.

The birds start chirping, it starts to get dark, starts to rain, and starts to get cold. I shiver "could we stay right here for the night?" I point to an empty spot, Edmund nods, he sets up the small tent, and he pulls out a kinda big baby blanket.

We sit down in the tent, and Edmund puts the bag in the back of the tent. "Thanks for trying to help me get back home" I smile i see Edmund blush "your welcome " Edmund Smiles

Edmund lays down, as i lay beside him, he covers me up with the baby blanket "aren't you gonna get some?" I whisper "no" Edmund whispers " get some Edmund, I don't want you to get sick" i whisper

Edmund puts a little on him, and he pulls me a bit closer to him "so we can both stay warm" Edmund blushes i smile "i love being warm" I whisper "i love seeing you smile" Edmund Whispers i blush as i lay my head on his chest and i put my arm around him " to keep you warm" i blush

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2017 ⏰

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