Chapter 4

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(your POV)

I wake up and yawn, thinking "That was a pretty crazy dream, I just wonder if what I had heard in the dream is true", after I said that, I heard a new voice sound in my mind, but immediately recognized it as my dad's voice saying "I'm glad to say that everything you heard in that dream was true.", he said in his usual calm, and collected manner.

I got up and get dressed for the day, choosing a black, unzipped jacket with a red shirt underneath, some basic red and black leggings, and black shoes. After i get dressed, i go downstairs and make some pancakes, eat them, and then, I finish getting my stuff for the day.

Once all that was done, I make a few random hand signs,in a series i learned in my mindscape, and poof into existence in front of the classroom door. I walk in and see everyone's eyes shoot into my direction, looking like they had all seen a ghost. I wonder why, and then my dad says in my mind "they are staring at your from your drastic increase of chakra, which came from me. But of course he doesn't know about me or Blake, or for now at least.", and I then understand why everyone in the room is staring at me, all with their eyes wide, even duck-butt and pineapple-head.

I  walk over to the seat next to Naruto, while he is staring at me with wide eyes the whole time i walk over to the seat next to him and sit down. Then i remember that i should be able to talk to him and Kyuubi in secret, thanks to our mindscapes being connected.

"Hey Naruto and Kyyubi, I know that you are both surprised by my drastic increase in chakra so could you stop staring please?", I ask him and Kyuubi through our mindscapes, and so he then stops staring at me. He then pays attention to Iruka-sensei, while I Just zone out because i learned all of this from Blake already.

(A timeskip to after class, at the swing, that was made possible by Amber's utter boredom throughout the day)

I was sitting on the swing, waiting for Naruto to come for a while, but he didn't come. I knew that something was up because he would always come here after school. I didn't waste any time and did a few hand signs, and poofed right in front of Naruto. 

Just as soon as i appeared, Mizuki-sensei (I think that is his name i haven't watched this scene in a while) threw a windmill shruriken at Naruto. Thanks to my dad being inside me now, i got quite a bit of his raw strength, so i caught the shuriken easily and threw it to the side, leaving Naruto and Mizuki-sensei wide-eyed.

"How did you catch that?!", they both asked in unison, leaving me to just say "Well, I had a bit of help, but one of you won't ever know how.". Once i said that they both were dumbfounded and i took this opportunity to teleport behind Mizuki and kick him to the ground.

I nodded to Naruto and he knew what I meant. He got up and walked over to Mizuki, and we both shouted at the same time "kage bunshin no jutsu!", just as hundreds if copies of me and Naruto appeared.

Mizuki was staring wide-eyed at both of us, while we just ordered out shadow clones to attack him. Me and Naruto both made our clones poof away when we though it was enough, just to see a bloody and bruised Mizuki twitching on the ground.

We then saw Iruka-sensei appear from behind a tree and walk over to us, with an astonished expression on his face, because it seemed like he was watching the whole time. He then walked over to us, took off Naruto's goggles, put a hidden leaf village forehead protector on both of our foreheads, then said, with a warm smile to both of us "You pass".

(timeskip to your house)

I got to my house pretty late at night, ready to go to bed. I walked inside, walked to my bedroom, then set my forehead protector down on my nightstand. After I did that i took a bath, put pajamas on, and went to bed.

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