Chapter 2 (very long)

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(Your POV)

As you walk into the classroom, three people catch your attention. The first one has hair like a duck's butt and you think to yourself "I'll call him duck-butt". The second one has weird hair too,like the shape of a pineapple and the idea pops into your mind to call him "pineapple-head". The third one is the blonde-haired kid that you saw sitting at the swing you sit at and he is the most normal-looking kid in the classroom,and in the middle of your thoughts, Blake interrupts you in the back of your mind "You must be careful Amber, for he has the nine-tails inside of him", you simply respond to his statement with an "Ok". 

As you go over to the seat next to the blonde, you obviously notice multiple girls fangirling over duck-butt, but you don't know why, because to you, he just looks like a stuck-up emo prick that you would hate to be on a team with later.

(Naruto's POV)

To my surprise, I see a girl with crimson eyes and jet-black hair sit down next to me, as I hear Kyuubi say to me in the back of my mind "Naruto, you must watch out for that girl, because she has a extremely powerful demon inside her that may even be able to surpass me, even in my true form, without breaking a sweat. I don't think I've ever seen that type of demon before, and wonder greatly where it comes from.", and I respond with "Ok Kyuubi, thank you for the advice.".

I sat there wondering for a second, when I suddenly have a thought "Wait a second Kyyubi, can't you connect my mindscape to hers, so we can talk to her and her demon?", and Kyuubi says while you can almost imagine his semi-shocked face that you came up with that "Why yes Naruto, yes i can. I'm surprised that you came up with that by yourself.", as Naruto grins in his mind for coming up with that.

(Your POV)

As I sit down next to the blonde,even though his mouth isn't moving,  I hear a conversation between him, and a voice I don't recognize. As I keep listening, I find out the blonde's name is Naruto, and that voice's name is Kyyubi. 

As soon as the conversation subsides, I ask him "Who were you talking to just now?", and he appears to have a shocked face as he says "N-nobody.",while it was plainly obvious he was lying. After he says that, you put on your own shocked face as you remember that the voice, well, Kyuubi knew about your demon. Naruto asks you with a hint of worry in his eyes "Are you alright?", as you answer him with "No, not really". He then asks you with worry written all across his face "what is it?".

i was a bit shocked at him caring about you, because nobody has done that for me ever since my mom died when i was three years old, and answer his question "That voice you were talking to said it knew of what was inside me. How did it know?".

(Naruto's POV)

"So she did hear me and Kyuubi talking after all.", I thought to myself, shocked at what she said. You answer her question with "I will tell you after class is over, so could you meet my by the wooden swing?", and after she hears that, she nods her head indicating a "yes".

(Timeskip to after school at the swing, and POV change to your POV)

I stood there, waiting for Naruto to come, as i saw a boy in a orange jumpsuit running towards me, instantly recognizing it as Naruto

As he finally got here he was breathing heavily, and waited a few seconds, then said to me "I'm here.", in-between breaths, as i giggled slightly, but not too much to be noticed. I gave him a chance to catch his breath, and then asked him "So, how did that voice,or should i say, Kyuubi, know of what was inside me?", I questioned.

As i looked around and saw people were staring at me and him, mumbling things that i couldn't understand, but knew weren't kind-hearted. After hearing a few things directed to him, i thought to myself "I won't ever let them hurt my Naru-Chan! Wait, what am i thinking and why am i thinking that?".

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