"Whatever. Can we start our paperworks right now? " I was so annoyed by him.

I'm lucky to have him as my corporal and his assistant and we are going to have a lot of argument coming up next.


It'd been two hours working on the paperworks. Both of us didn't talk to each other because we were busy completing them on one day. Two more papers until we finished the whole paperworks. Levi took the last second paper and I took the last. With one swift motion of our sign and we're done.

"Finally!!! We done all of the paperworks .."

I set the last paper on the floor, nicely stacked from the ground. Now there are two half-stack of paperworks beside each of us. With one jutsu, I teleported them to Edwin's office.

"Yunna, you don't have to do that. Is a waste of your energy. " Levi said while resting his arms on his desk.

"Nah that will be fine ~ I'm gonna stuff some food into my stomach and I'm fully charged. So no worries "  I waved to him telling him that it was all alright.

"Hey Yunna...I been meaning to tell you something a while ago. "

I raised an eyebrow, "and what is that? "

"If we can.. You know... Be that close like we used to... Is it possible? "

Close? Used to ?... So we going back to our love bird's moment ? But... Madara... After all I did with him.

"What do you mean? " I asked in confusion. Not really confused but I just wanted to know what was he thinking.

"Can you be with me , starting all over again ? "  He said. His silver eyes staring at mine while talking to me. I didn't blinked at all, but my mind was turning upside down at his question.

If  we get back together, what about Madara? I have feelings on two of these men. Madara still hasn't confess to me. Does yesterday counts? Will Levi be mad at me again if he finds out I'm not a virgin?

I asked myself in my mind. Should I even give him my answer now?

"Levi... I've been through a lot of things once you break up with me. But now is not the time. There are still a lot of dangerous and risky situation I have to deal with. A big war will be announce few months later. I can't tell you the answer now, is not like I don't have feelings for you. I still love you but... I couldn't bear if you watch me die or I left you broken hearted. Yes, I as a shinobi, is stronger than you think but there are still some shinobi stronger than me. Honestly, I have two feelings, one is you and another one will be a shinobi like me. I'm not a whore simply in love with people but I can't just let my feelings faded away. Both of you are special to me, even if you or him confess, I can't give you both the answer. I might die one day and who knows? My job is to protect this two world. By that, I can protect both of you, my family , my friends and other people. That is my ninja way. "

I had finally spit it out. I didnt know how he will react but I expected to see him disappointed.

"I see... "

Here it goes, Yunna.

" I'm sorry.. " I apologized to him.

"That doesn't mean I will give up on you "

Okay that is not what I expected from him...

"What.. ?" I shocked.

"I can wait for you, Yunna. Even if you die, I will never regret of loving you. As long as you love me like always. " he said smoothly. Doesn't he feel bad or disappointed at all?

"You are not mad? " I asked , my face showed a hint of worry.

"Why do I have to be mad at you if you truly care and love for someone like me? Let's not talk about the other guy, if you truly want to do something, no one able to stop you. I have known you for quite a long time Yunna. "

A faint smile formed on my lips. I never expected he gave me this kind of answer. He seemed to notice my smile as well. Levi then stood up from his seat and walked to my front kneeling down so his face was close to mine. He studied my expressions and let his hands hold onto mine. He smiled.

He just smiled to me...

"Those words are for real Yunna. "

Should I tell him I had sex with Madara? That is a risky bet ,he could be worst if he knows this.

"Errmmm Levi... There is one more.. Thing... " I gulped.

"What is it? " he whispered. His eyes locked to mine desperately waiting for answer.

"You know... Since you know about the feelings I have to both of you.. Well... Yesterday... "

"And? "

His eyes still locked into mine. I stared down on the ground, not daring to see his face.

" I had...with him " I whispered.

There was no response from him. I tilted my head up to see him again. Before I could see his whole expression, he patted my head and pulled me into a hug. That was another surprise.

"Does it hurt? " He asked. I nodded.

"Don't think about that anymore. No matter what you do, I will always by your side supporting you."

My eyes widen as he told me that he will support me no matter what. My hands found its way to his back and hugged him tighter. Now all my secrets were safe.

"Thanks a lot. Levi.. "

"You're welcome. Now let's go get some food. " both of us released from our hugs and went out from his office heading to the mess hall for lunch. All the way to the mess hall, Levi and I holding our hands together while walking.

<< Levi pov >>

Thanks to four eyes, I was able to get her back to my side all over again. I made a promise to her if I finally got her to be with me, I'll let her go with me to the next expedition and catch her a Titan. Tchh.. A promise is a promise, I'll do whatever to make her mine and the other brat of hers.

Saviour In Between Two Different Worlds ( Madara × Reader × Levi )Where stories live. Discover now