Chapter 13

379 13 4

The next day...

<< Levi pov >>

"Oi, get your rest now cadets. " I announced the cadets after a long training. Tchhh stupid eyebrows, it should be my off day today.

The cadets sat down on the ground patting for air. I glanced down on the ground , it was damn filthy. I grimanced at them and left. I was wondering, the whole day I didn't see Yunna and her friends at the training ground and they should be here this morning.

I walked passed by a left out training ground far away from here.  I heard a loud bang. I snapped off and wandered to the training ground. What the hell?

"Oi Yunna, can you just soften a bit ? Its not like I'm an enemy un "

The voice, so familiar... Deidara! 

I walked closer and had a peep hidden behind the bushes. My eyes widened in shock as I saw the three of them...
Deidara was having some clay on his palm throwing to someone, whereas Sasori had glittering blue strings attached on his fingers controlling .....a puppet ? Things that I never seen before in my whole life. My eyes soon landed on the figure who was trying to Dodge the attacks,


Her moves was too fast for me to catch up. She dodged every of them in one swift motion.

How could she do that?

Her eyes were blood red in colour when she stared hungrily at them.

"So how is it ? I dodged every one of them. Do I approved a little bit ? " she asked , her eyes soon turned back to normal.

What am I seeing?

"Yeahhh... That should be lot more stronger than us un! " deidara exclaimed.

Am I seeing something weird? Am I still dreaming ? Shit... I knew she came back for one reason, gotta find out myself... Tchh...

"Guys, lets head back. I got something to deal with " Yunna told them dragging their hands with her and they left. When they were quite far away, I slowly stood up from where I hid and turned my heels to leave.

"You seen it. "

I surprised , I thought no one else was here anymore. I slowly moved back and turned to see Yunna behind me. She was holding an annoyed expression , watching me.

"I've been watching you for a long time Levi. " she told me.

"What was that?  And I saw you left already. How come you are still here? "

"That's my clone. " she replied my answer.

Clone?! Wait.. She means twins?

I was way to shock to see things like that. I didn't know how to tell nor speak anymore. Normal humans like us couldn't do things like this.

"Is that your twin sister? "

She sighed shaking her head then  walked to my front, I didn't make my move. Instead, I was so calm to face her. She gently moved her hand to me, I stood still... Slowly moving up to my forehead and pushed me back with one finger. My head flipped back for a bit and I stared at her confused. She saw my reactions and smile.

Saviour In Between Two Different Worlds ( Madara × Reader × Levi )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ