Chapter 9

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We were asked to train outside with his squad. Our training session on today will be using 3DMG. Of course as a newbie, there will be a lot of lessons we need to learn.

"If you don't understand, you can ask me anytime. " The Ginger girl said. Apparently, I didn't hear anything from her . I didn't have to use 3DMG for the flying and jumping stuff. Levi was at a side watching us. His eyes didn't even leave me for once in the whole time.

"Petra, enough. I want to test them whether they understand. Erd, you do the timing. Petra, you will challenge Yunna later on. " Levi ordered.

That simple thing will not stop me from beating you. Let just see ~

I adjusted my 3DMG. Waiting for the call to start.

"Are you sure you gonna ask her to challenge that lady un? " Deidara smirked to Levi. That's it Dei! Do it again!!!

"Is that a problem? " he flinced at him

"Hehehe you'll see.. CAPTAIN LEVI" Deidara turned away from him. He walked to his man Sasori who was standing behind me.

"Yunna, I know what you have in mind " Sasori whispered to me , enough for me to hear.

"Shh Sasori! Not too loud ~ "

" am not ~ "
"3...2...1..Go!  "

I unclipped my 3DMG, cut out the string that connected to the blades. I took them up and held tightly. Petra had already went inside to the dummies. I slowly walked inside to the small forest, didn't want to listen what they were yelling, because I bet that Dei and Sasori will know how to help.

<< Levi pov >>

hat! She unclippled the 3DMG?  WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?!

" What the hell is she doing! " I shouted.

"Yunna! Come back here!!! " Gunther and Erd rushed to her. But she suddenly disappeared from our sight. I blinked in confusion.. What the hell... She disappeared just like that? Am I even dreaming? More like a cause for sleeping in 2 hours a day.. Trouble sleeping again.

"She do it her way, so get your ass here idiots, un "  that blonde brat spoke that rude in front of me and my squad. What the hell is he? You're a newbie doesn't mean you can speak nonsense.

Ass ? Idiots ? Im your superior!

I walked to him and grabbed him by his weird cloak,

"You better watch your damn mouth of yours " I shouted loudly. As I yelled, my squad stepped back from me, their look of frighten didn't concerned me at all.

"That was rather interesting to hear from you. Are you telling me that you actually care for her? " Sasori said. That ugly freak old man...

A few seconds passed, Yunna came back with her blades beside her, walking to our direction. She didn't looked like exhausted. Besides, It just few seconds passed ...does that means.. She failed ?

"I'm done. " I mentally shocked about her words. What did she meant by 'she's done'....

Before I could say anything, Petra cut in as she zipped down to meet us. She wasnt panting heavily like usual.

"Sir.. The dummies.. All broken into pieces sir!  "

"What do you mean.. " I stated angrily.

"Sir, you need to take a look in the inside. " she suggested again. I adjusted my 3DMG and zipped inside to the small forest , my teammates all followed as well except Yunna and her gang. My eyes widen when I saw the dummies was really broke into pieces. What's.. Going on here?

"Petra did you do this? " I glanced back to see her. She shook her head 'no'.

A sudden thought flashed into me.. I'm done... That was what she was referring. But it wasn't possible for her to do so. First of, she as a human can't able to do things like this. That was totally insane. Secondly, she's a female. Third, I knew her a long time being so I guaranteed she couldn't do anything like that.

"We are heading back. " I said and made a U turn.

"Did you do that, Yunna? " I walked to her, I was so pissed and nearly exploded due to the situation. She was currently talking to her gang. Her eyes slowly met mine and she stopped talking to them.

"If I say yes? Will you believe me? " She said. Her tone wasn't a sign showing how kindness she used to be, in other way she was mocking me.

"No, no one will ever done that. It was impossible. " Gunther cut in.

She just shook her head and left us. She stopped at her track and turned to me with her two friends. Before she left with the two , she said..

" you will never believe me,  LEVI ACKERMAN " .

The words made me sank. She will never said such words like that. Especially my name. I gritted my teeth, and clenched my fist. What is your purpose on your sudden arrival.. I thought.

<< Yunna pov >>

"I hate that shortie. Like mentally and physically hate him.. that much " I raised both of my hands up high and opened them widely.

" Should I just bomb him for you? His existence seems troubling you my dear " Deidara stood up from his chair and sat beside me on the bed. (They're in her room)

"Enough of the bombing Deidara. We are here to finish our mission " Sasori reminded him strictly. Ya.. The mission, I almost forgotten.

" Is there any wrong if I mentioned about my art works ? Sasori my man"

"I'm not your man. And never will " He snapped back, which made Deidara dropped down from the bed.
I laughed hardly, lying back on my bed thinking how funny he is.

" not funny, un! "

"But you are Dei~"

"Oi get back here!!!!  "

I ran all over in my room avoinding him from catching me. Sasori just sat there watching us silently. He knew he didn't have to help since I able to defeat him in one shot. But I just having my fun moment with him.

"Ohh senpai ~ you finally notice me Deidara senpai ~~ " I copied Tobi's tone while running out from my room to the hallway.

"Get back here Yunna, I'll bomb you for once with my art! "

Deidara still never caught me from running. Too bad I was way faster than he was... Hahaha I felt thankful to Madara because he was the one who taught me a lot stuff that I didnt know especially to be skilled in speeding. So the whole long night he had been chasing after me like an idiot , other cadets stared at us with 'jesus-christ' expression showing on their faces. Some even did praying hopefully we will end up quickly by doing crossing marks on themselves.


"Art is an explosion, un!!!!  "

"Wait Dei -"


Saviour In Between Two Different Worlds ( Madara × Reader × Levi )Where stories live. Discover now