Chapter Two: I have to do WHAT?

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I run down the stairs, past multiple paintings and windows, and somehow manage to find the meeting room in this Hell hole. Pun intended. I take a deep breath, and open the door.

First thing I see? Arguing people in cloaks. See, The Council Of Souls is made up of the gods and demons who rule Hell. My dad was just the core ruler, the one who has the most authority. Think of him as the president, and the council as mayors. Except they aren't called mayors, they're called Lords. And.. A lot of them hate eachother. "Uh, excuse me?" They kept arguing. I sighed and grabbed four bells from the wall in each of my hands. Yes, I have four arms, I am a demon after all. Well, half demon half angel. I rang all of them at once, silencing the yelling deities. "Lovely. Now, can someone please tell me what I was called here for?" I asked, placing the bells down. "Yes. As we all know, your father, King Lucifer, was murdered days ago." A woman said, taking off her hood. She had black hair with silver specks, her eyes just the same. Her skin was dark grey, and seemed to have an ever changing freckle pattern. I recognized her from a picture, this was Nyx. "Yes.." I said simply, sitting in an empty chair. "And I'm sure you know that as his only heir, you will have to take the throne." Said a man, also removing his hood. I recognized him immediately. Hades, greek god of the underworld, riches, and the dead. "I know, it's pretty obvious. King is killed, his kid takes his place." I said, hoping to stop talking about this. "We know it's had to discuss, which is why we shall get straight to the point." Said another woman, also removing her hood. She looked very miserable.. She was most likely the goddess of Misery. "As all demon Lords have, you must go through a trial before becoming the queen." She said, folding her hands. Wait, what? "Why was I never told this before!?" I exclaimed. "You were to be told just before you came of age, and your father would step down. That wasn't supposed to be for a century, Regina. Due to.. Recent events, you must go through your trial immediately." Hades said, standing up. The rest of the council was still silent. Hades gestured for me to follow him, and we both walked out of the room.

"So.. What's my trial?" I asked as we approached a large golden mirror. "You must posses a mortal..."


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