Alduin (human) × Dragonborn

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~Here is the OneShot, Phoenixvillez~

Frozen white tears fell from the sky, covering Dragonborn's cheeks which were now reddish, the colour of gentle dawn haze. For a long time, the only thing she could hear were waves splashing the ice and using parts of sunk ships as drumsticks. Rythim the sea created was perfect for a dance of death. The only thing missing was a voice. This was soon fullfiled by a black dragon's singing.

Before he appeared, Dragonborn closed her eyes, concentrating only on the sound of the beat and piercingly beautiful dragon roar. It melted her ears. Finally, she opened her eyes immediatley spotting a black silhoutte in the sky, covering the winter sun that was shyly hiding beneath the clouds.

Alduin circled her like a vulture that is ready to recieve a gift given by death. His bloody red eyes were staring at Dragonborn's equaly wild and full of fire. Eventually, she broke the gaze only to look one last time into a deep, grey sea. Salty water was biting the ice and tips of her ebony boots. It was a comfort to look at the surface of this murky waters. The sea was so wavy Alduin's reflection wasn't visible. The sea was the escape from her deadly duty. The sea was her salvation.

She knew she has no chance against Alduin. He is too powerful. She didn't need to fight him, she felt the power radiating from him. The power that was coiling through his thick black veins along with venomous blood that will soon cover her ebony sword.

Another shout ripped the sky, this time louder. The clouds reflected the dark colour of death. He marked her for death. Dragonborn wrapped her long fingers on the grip of her blade, trying to say last prayer to the Nine Divines, until unseathing her weapon and challenging Alduin for a death dance.


Her voice echoed through the ice wastlands. Tundra so big, yet so lonely seemed mournful today. Nothing unusual, after all those wrecks of nordic ships.

The black dragon heard her voice so he immediatley turned and flew straight toward her. Dragonborn pulled out her sword completely, waiting for the battle to begin.

Alduin was closer and closer, getting bigger. Dragonborn could now clearly see his shiney, black scales. They were the suit of death. His eyes were hellfire ready to burn poor soul, destroying it forever. Only ashes of mysery will remain.

And here he was, a meter away from the tip of Dragonborn's sword, when he disappeared into a thin air, creating black fogg that circled and trapped Dragonborn. She started nervously waving her sword around, waiting for something invisible to give her a death blow. The laugh she heard gave her shivers, every hair on her body reacted on the sound of that voice, courier of message that death draws near.

"Look at you...How pathetic...You are scared of your own shadow. Me."

Dragonborn winced when she felt the sharp voice just an inch away from her ear. His venom burnt her skin and entered through her ear like a snake ready to eat her heart. Not wasting anymore time, Dragonborn waved her sword at the confusing shadow. She cut it in half and it immediatley fell back, forming a big dark ball few steps away from her.

The darkness was swirling around for a long time, until it formed recgonisible body. No. It wasn't just a dragon. It was a human. Alduin was a human.

Dragonborn felt her sword almost falling and slipping through her finger as her eyes watched the figure in front of her, clearly teriffied and shocked.

Alduin raised his head and killed Dragonborn's soul with just one gaze. His red eyes were pure hell and evil, nothing else could be recgonised. He left his black hair, black as raven's feathers, fall over his eyes, but still not managing to cover the gleam completely.


Dragonborn stammered which only made human in front of her laugh. She was still holding her sword firmly, pointed at Alduin. However, it seemed it didn't scare him at all as he was now approaching her like there was no barrier in between them. His steps were heavy and he was tall as tower. None of his malevolence and viciousness disappearing from the shape changing.

"You call yourself a Dragonborn, yet you know nothing. How disgusting. Tell me, how could such ignorant worm like you be such an obstacle on the path to my glory? I should strangle you right now."

His deep voice gave an eerie atmosphere around them, causing a goosebumps on Dragonborn's arms and shoulders. She bit her lip, trying to stay silent. It would be wiser. But she couldn't. She will not bow in front of this creature.

"So what are you waiting for then?"

Dragonborn asked, catching Alduin's attention. He just laughed, his laugh immitiating a dying crow. At that moment, Dragoborn realised Alduin will be the death of her.

"Are you so eager to embrace death?"

Alduin asked, this all was amusing him. Dragonborn's face was still hard like a stone, showing the true form of a warrior ready to fight until their last breath.

"No. I am eager to watch you doing that."

She hissed like her voice was now venomous. Alduin's smirk grew colder, his eyes got brighter and more animus.

"Dragonborn...What is your deepest fear?"

He asked, confusing Dragonborn completely. She furrowed her eyebrows and paid close attention to his movements, ready to strike if he tries anything.

"Everyone has one."

Alduin continued. He got closer even more, the tip of Dragonborn's sword now touching his flesh on chest. His expression changed from evil smirks to cold and bitter face of a worn out soul.

"What are you doing?"

Dragonborn asked, her voice sounded weaker than she wanted to. She felt ashamed for showing her confusion and dread in front of her greatest enemy.

"I am standing right in front of you, your sword scratching my chest right where my heart is. Tell me, why won't you pierce it?"

He asks, pressing his body even harder to her sword. Instantly, Dragonborn took a step back. She cursed herself for doing that. Alduin laughed.

"Why are you doing this?"

She asked the dragon. He touched the blade of her sword and slowly removed it from the place where it pointed at his heart. Dragonborn dropped the sword on the ground.

"Is it because I am human, that keeps you from killing me? Or do you too feel the power I have? What if when you killed me, you would have become a replacement of me? Slaughtering people, dragons...anyone who stands in your way."

He said that, now walking around Dragonborn. She lowered her gaze, staring at the black, ebony boots that were getting slapped by salty sea. She didn't even react when he grabbed her both shoulders and leaned next to her ear.

"You know you want this power. You are aiming to the same goal as I do, don't you?"

Dragonborn nodded, admitting her deepest lie.  A lie she told to herself. A lie about being a hero of Skyrim. A lie about being able to defeat enemy as great as Alduin. A lie that she is different than Alduin. A lie that she doesn't seeks power and ruin.

"Come with me. Let us rejoice in our wickedness."

Thus was Dragonborn reborn in a new light. In the light that iluminated the realm of reborn dragons that ruled once again over Skyrim, following their Dragonborn. 

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