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I wake up with Kenny's arms around me and smile. He's so warm, I could stay like this forever. I sigh and wiggle my way out of his grip, standing up and walking over to Kenny's closet. I grab a white T-shirt and put it on. It goes down just a little bit above my knees. I grab some black shorts from his drawer, there a little big... But they work just fine...

I grab his phone from his dresser, noticing he left it unlocked. I find a Terrance and Phillip game on the screen and click on it. My brother and I used to watch that show together.

I take a seat on the wooden chair by the window, and start to play it.

After a few minutes, I hear an alarm ring and notice Kenny waking up. I ignore it and continue to play the game.

Kenny POV

I look over at Kyle and see him on my phone... In my clothes... Sitting on my favorite chair...

I get up and walk over to Kyle, looking over his shoulder and seeing him playing that new Terrance and Phillip game. "Fun, isn't it? It's my favorite Terrance and Phillip game ya know. Just came out last week", I tell him. He ignores me and continues to play it.

I notice him pass level 49. How did he do that? I couldn't get passed level 7!

"Your uh... Pretty good at that", I compliment. He nods and continues to pick out cards. "You suprise me more and more kid."

I look him over and laugh a bit. He looks so fucking adorable in those bigass clothes.

"So, you ready for school?", I ask. He looks up at me confused.

"We go to school?", he questions. I nod and he looks down at the phone. "I dont wanna", he says.

"Come on Ky, our friends will be there and I'll be by ya side", I assure him.

"Ugh, fine", he groans.

We finish getting ready and head out the front door. "The bus stop isn't that far from here, I usually just walk", I tell him.

"Okay", he responds following behind, still playing on the phone.

Call me crazy, but I think Kyle's really cool and... I think I might like him. I wonder if he could ever like me... Like that.

The two of us look up and see Stan standing at the bus stop. "Hey guys!", Stan greets happily.

We give him a small wave and stand next to him, waiting for the bus.

"So umm... Do you guys wanna come over tonight? My family is gone and we can do whatever the hell we want", Stan invites.

"Well I actually have plans aft-"

"Sure!", Kyle interrupts. I sigh and put my hands in my pockets. Guess we're going to Stan's after school...

"Great!", Stan replies. He starts talking about this new game he got until the bus arrives and we all get on. The three of us take a seat in the back and Craig turns around to look at us.

"Hey Kenny, here's the twenty bucks I owe ya", Craig hands me the money. I smirk and he just sighs, looking back up front.

"What was that about Kenny?", Stan questions.

"We made a bet, I won", I simply explain.

Stan sighs and starts talking to Kyle about something and I notice Butters sit across from me. "Hi Kenny", Butters greets with a small blush. Ugh, he always does that around me.

"Does he like you?", I hear Kyle ask. I turn my head and notice he's talking to me.

"Who? Butters?", I question. He nods.

"Ya, the blonde kid", Kyle makes more clear.

"I don't know. And I honestly don't care. I like someone else", I respond.

"Wow dude! You got to level 52 in one day!", Stan shouts, shocked.

"Ya", Kyle replies. "It's not really that hard you just need the right items", he explains.

"Oh and Kenny, who is this other person you like?", Stan asks.

I see Kyle focused on the phone and point to him. Stan looks at me shocked. I put a finger to my mouth, telling him not to tell and he nods.

"That funny Kenny.... Because I like the same person", Stan tells me.

A/N- New chapter coming soon

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