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We all talk for a few more hours until it starts to get dark. "It's 10:00, I better get going", Stan announces, grabbing his bag and leaving. "I'll see you at school Kyle", he smiles and waves bye to him.

"Ya, I gotta go too", Cartman says, leaving Kyle and I together.

"You fit in with the group pretty well", I complement. "You know, same shows and coffee", I add.

"Heh, you think so?", he laughs a bit.

"I know so", I reply.

He smiles and looks down at his half filled coffee cup. He hasn't really drank it...

"Do you um.. wanna head home?", I ask. He nods yes and we make our way back to the house.

I open the door and a bottle is immediately thrown at my face. Thank God it missed...

"YOU DAMN KIDS GET TO YER ROOM", Stuart yells. I grab Kyle's wrist and speedwalk down the hallway.

I stop and knock on Karen's door. "You okay in there sis?", I ask.

"Ya, just playing with Ruby!", she responds happily. Good...

We walk back into our room and lock the door. "Do your parents always fight like that?", Kyle asks. I nod yes and he sighs. "Your really brave, staying here and all."

"I guess I'm just kinda used to it", I shrug. "What about you. What was your life like before... All this?", I question.

"Well, I had a mom, dad, and an adopted brother. And my brother... He died about a year ago in a car crash on the way to Junior hockey practice. And my parents... They h-hurt me. They b-beat us and got locked away", he says as I notice tears sliding down his cheeks. "I didn't want to go to a foster home. I decided to run away and found a quiet alley to live in. Sure, I got beat up a few times but I honestly felt safer there then at home", he adds.

"Wow, you've been through a lot. So if you don't mind me asking, how did you end up living here... Ya know, with me?", I question.

"A police officer found me sitting on the sidewalk smoking. I tried to run away from him, but he grabbed my jacket and put handcuffs on me. After some questioning, he found out I was homeless and well... Sent me here", Kyle explains.

"Right, Got it. But hey, things won't be so bad here! You can hang out with me and my friends, we'll have fun! And don't worry about staying here, I'll protect you", I promise.

I move his bangs, revealing is shiny emrald eyes. He's... Beautiful...

I wipe away his tears with my thumb and give a small smile. "Don't cry Ky, you're safe with me", I tell him, putting my arms around him and giving him a hug.

We end up falling asleep next to each other in peace.

"You'll be safe with me"

A/N- Next chapter coming soon! Hope your enjoying the story so far!

K2 - Welcome to the HouseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ