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"Hey honey wake up," said Aunt Charlie as she shook me. "Hey Aunt Charlie," I said as I sat up. "Why am I on the floor?" I said as I looked at my surrounding noticing I was on the floor. "Where is he?" I asked as I remember the man in the suit. "Where's who honey?" Aunt Charlie asked looking confused. "The man in a suit! The one that said that the king wanted to see me" I said getting up and walking around the room. "Honey no one has-- wait he said what?" she asked with a serious voice. "That the king wanted to see me," I said "Aah!" I said with pain as I grabbed my left shoulder. "What's wrong?" She asked grabbing my shoulder. "It burns, it burns!" I said falling to my knees. Aunt Charlie looked at the back of my shoulder and saw something being burned into my skin. "What's wrong?" asked Sam and Dean as they rushed into the room. "There's something on her shoulder," said Aunt Charlie over my groans. Sam runs over to me and kneels to see what was on my shoulder. "It looks like writing but--it's not like anything I've seen. Sam takes out his phone to take a picture of it. "You're gonna be okay. It's okay" said Dean as he hugged my head. After a while of me crying on the floor, the burning sensation stopped. Sam and Dean had gone downstairs ad aunt Charlie had stayed with me. "It doesn't hurt anymore," I told her as she was looking out the window. She turned her head and looked at me, and said "I'm gonna go and tell Sam and Dean. I'll be back okay" I responded by just nodding my head I stood up and walked over to the chair where I had been. "Aunt Charlie?" I called out as she was stepping out of the room. "Yes?" she said peeking her head back into the room. "Thank you." "Anytime," she said as she closed the door.

"You knew about this?" Dean told Charlie as she was coming down the stairs. "A little," she said looking at the floor with her arms crossed. "A little? A LITTLE!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN A LITTLE?" Dean said raising his voice. "Dean--" Sam started but got cut off by Dean "No Sam she knew something that could have hurt Amelia and she did tell us. Her older brothers." he said turning around to look at Sam. "Come on Charlie you're smarter than that I would expect her to be hiding things she's a teenager but you. You're an adult. Come on." he said turning back to look at Charlie. "Dean I'm sorry but--" Charlie said but was soon interrupted by Dean saying "Sorry? That's what you have to say?" "Dean listens to me she told me something to me," Charlie said walking over to Dean. "Oh so now you want to tell us," said Dean. "Dean enough!" said Sam from behind Dean. "Charlie probably had a reason that she didn't tell us but listen to her now," said Sam walking over to Charlie. " What did she tell you," he said looking over at Charlie. "She said that there was a man in a suit inside of the room," she told the brothers. "What?" said Dean with concern " Not only that but she said that the man told her something. He told her that the king wanted to see her." Sam and Dean froze in fear. "The King?" repeated Sam. "Is that who I think it is?" said Charlie, afraid of the answer. "Crowley." Said Dean. "Why? What does Crowley want with her? She's just a kid and she's not a Hunter." Asked Sam "I don't know but we have to Take her to the bunker where she's safe." said dean grabbing his stuff off the couch. "I'll go and get her" and Sam heading up the stairs. "Charlie you're gonna need to come with us too." said Dean "It's not safe you to be here.". "Okay I'll go and get my stuff," said Charlie.

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