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I walk up to my friends, regretting I ever got off that car. "who's that?" asks Luna. Luna is what you would call the "It" girl, she has big beautiful blue eyes and long wavy brown hair. Her father is crazy rich, he owns companies all over the United States. the only reason why she's hanging out with someone like me it because we've been best friends since kindergarten. shes the only other person that I trust with my life. "my brother Sam. why?" I asked. "He's cute!" she said putting on lipstick. "you think everyone's cute," said Jason. Jason is my guy best friend. it took me years to convince Sam and Dean to let me have a guy friend, so he is the only guy they trust me with, not completely, but we are getting there. Jason has been playing football since as long as he can remember. "so are we still up for Wednesday? I thought we were finally gonna go out like a normal group of friends." said Jason, passing looks between me and Luna. "I told you yes two days ago Jason why are you still asking?" said Luna, sounding a little irritated. " because someone hasn't answered my question," he said directing his stare at me. "Amy, i thought you were gonna ask your brothers for permission to go out," said Luna. " I was but you guys know how strict Sam and Dean are-" "yeah overprotective " scoffed Jason " guys ill ask I promise," I said looking at them both and with that final decision that bell rang. "Well off to homeroom," I said in the most disappointed voice I make.

My homeroom took a while to get to class and for some reason, i was the first one to get there so I take the liberty to sit in the very back corner, as soon as I do more and more people come in until the teacher finally shows up. She has scarlet red hair like mine only hers is curly. he has some emerald green eyes and some thick black glasses. " hey everyone, welcome back to high school! My name is Ms. Clair De Lune. I hope you had an amazing break but sadly its time to come back and learn. Okay? okay." she said as she looked around the classroom making sure she made eye contact with everyone. " okay guys I"m going to start off with attendance so please listen up of your name." I knew my name would be at the very end so I didn't pay attention. a while passed by and she was at the S's." Sandoval, Mark.......Winchester, Amelia Melody?" she said as her eyes scoured the room." Here." I said slightly raising my hand. "Winchester?... like the gun?" she asked "yes". I could feel everyone looking at me, it was not nice. " Okay, I'm done taking attendance so you guys can do whatever you what, just don't leave the classroom." I took this as a chance to text Sam and Dean on Wednesday. well that was the plan before I was interrupted by some kid. "hey you Winchester?" he asked as him and his "gang" crowed around my desk. "who's asking?"I said in response. I wasn't used to just talking to people like that but I wasn't letting my guard down for him. " Brandon Gomez, you might have heard of me." he said to me as if I was to know who he was. "um not really, sorry" I said and as soon as I did he looked shocked." well that's okay I just need to ask you something simple" he said getting closer to me. "you wanna be my girlfriend, I"m mean you are the hottest girl here and I'm the hottest guy here. imagine if we got together, we could rule the school." I looked at him in disbelief. He'd known me for like what...a minute and he wanted me to be his girlfriend. "you don't know anything about me" "that's fine" he said without concern. "think about it." he said as he left. My face was now as red as my hair. I then got really mad. who the hell does he think he is! I thought to myself. To just come up to someone you just met and ask them to be your girlfriend that makes no sense! He's disgusting! Ho- my thoughts were interrupted by the bell signaling to go to first period. I look down at my schedule to find out I have P.E. first. Great.

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