The Fight

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*snip*. I turned around to see Mara holding some of my hair and a pair of scissors. "You should have tucked away all those loose hairs," she said with a dirty smirk on her face as she let go of my hair. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" I yelled at her, getting up with the redness of anger taking over my face. people were looking over to see what was going on. "Amy come on let's go," Jason said grabbing our stuff. It took me a while but I turned around and started walking away with Jason. "No wonder your mother left, you look more like a boy than a girl," Haidy yelled out after me. I turned around and yelled back "What did you just say?" I walked toward her, I felt all the anger reach my fist. Jason followed me and tried to stop me from walking to her " You heard me. Your parent left you. They never loved you and guess what, no one ever will." She continued. "Shut up. Shut your mouth or you would regret opening it." I said as I was one inch away from her face. "What are you gonna do Winchester? Huh? Gonna go crying to another teacher? Or are you gonna go crying to your parents? Oh, wait you can't" Couldn't take it any longer. the thing that hurt me the most was that she wasn't completely lying. My mother had died when I was just six months old in our house that burned to the floor. I was later picked up by my biological father after my stepfather abandon me because he thought I was the devil incarnate being that I was able to somehow make it out of the fire and my mother wasn't. I let all the anger take over me and hit Haidy in the face. "Son of a bitch!" said Mara as she helped Haidy off the floor. "You bitch!" yelled Haidy as she threw her self at me dropping and hitting me. I was able to push her off me but when I did Mara pulled my hair and dragged me a few inches across the floor, I grabbed her leg and dropped her to the floor. I felt someone grab my waist pulling me to my feet, it was Jason. "Let me go, Jason, let me go!" I said as I tried loosening myself from his grip. "That's enough!" bellowed a voice from behind the crowd. A dark-skinned man wearing a suit appeared from the crowd. "The four of you follow me." he said staring at us. "the rest of you, leave the show's over," he said.

"Because of what happened you all get a week of detention," he said to us as we sat in his office "Your detention starts today.". "Sir if I may?" I said looking at him. "My friend Jason had nothing to do with this, please don't punish him for something stupid I did," I said looking over at Jason. "As you wish, you now have his week and yours," he said to me. " No Amy don't do this co-" "no Jason it isn't fair," I said looking him in his eyes. "Okay if you two are done bickering I need all of you to leave, everyone but you," he said pointing at me. Everyone left just leaving me and him and in his office. I sat quietly waiting for him to talk but he just sat in his chair looking at me. He finally broke the silence by asking for my name, " Amelia." i responded. He wrote it down and then looked up at me "Last name?". "Winchester." i told him. He paused and looked up at me "Winchester. Like the gun?" he asked "Yeah. why?" "No reason." he said as he wrote it down. I started feeling anxious and felt like if i was going to throw up. "I am going to have to call your parents to alert them of your detention. Do you have a number i can call?" he said as he reach for his phone. "No," i said looking down at the ground. "No? What about a Legal Guardian? Who takes care of you?" he said looking at me "my aunt Charlie does , you can call her" i said still not looking up. He grabbed the phone and dialed the number i had given him. "Yellow?" Charlie answered on the phone. "Yes Hello this is the principle Rogerz from Viel D. High. May i please speak with Charlie Bradbury?" he said reading the name from the paper. "You are. What's wrong is everything okay?" she asked with concern in her voice. "No actually, Amelia got in a fight with two girls earlier today." he said looking at me tear up from embarrassment. "What really? No I'm sorry you must have the wrong one." she said. "I'm afraid i don't. I'm going to have to ask you to please come and pick her up as she has been suspended for the rest of the day" he said still looking and me. "Okay ill be on my way," she said hanging up the phone. It took her a while to get here and when she did i just stood up and ran to her. she somehow always made me feel safe. After we left Mr. Rogerz stood up closing all the doors and windows. "I didn't know the Winchester was here, this could be easier that i thought," he said to himself. He pulled out a small goblet along with a bag of blood and poured it in. He then spoke into it saying "I found her, tell the king".

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