Advice: Teacher to Student

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I finally made it to the front of Hayden High, I thought while parking the car and locked the door and I walked towards the front doors. Just entering the building unlocked many memories that hid inside the walls. I kept walking and all I heard were the sounds of my heels echoing in the hallways. Breathing in, I caught the faint scent of the cafeteria food. Mmmhh Home.

Since I'm there might as well take a tour of the school, see how much has changed since the last time I roamed the school hallways. with Mike, Ned and David. I turned to my right to enter the trophy hallway remembering the the glory days when I was young and proud of being the only girl on the basketball team my favorite class being Art. I kept walking till, I stood in front of a trophy case containing our team's photo. Ned jumping in horror was actually caught on camera. I smiled making my way down the hallway to the sports sector. Opening the heavy double doors to enter the grand and empty gymnasium. A single basketball was left on the court. I bent down to pick it up and started to dribble it in place. I aligned myself far enough from the net in the right position to take a shot. I sprang to release the ball in to mid-air, making it arch and perfectly into the net. I still got it. I thought to myself grinning. I exited the gym to go behind the quad making me unlock my best memory I have from this school, when David told me that he loved me.

"Char, before I go on with this I want you to know that I love you........ your my best friend and I cannot bear seeing you with any other guy.... So, I decided to get you this ring so you'll promise me that one day when were older we'll spend our lives together." His voice was soothing as honey as he spoke to me with lust filling his brown eyes as he waited for me to respond. So many thoughts rushed through my head but they all lead to one solid answer.

"Yes!" I whispered in response happily, never making the wide smile on my face disappear. He started smiling while his hand dug into his left pocket pulling out a simple gorgeous ring making it sparkle when it hit the sunlight. I gasped at the sight of it making him chuckle in the process.

"Wear this ring for me?" he asked. I took my attention away from the ring looking up to meet his beautiful eyes.

"Of course." I said as I took it from his hands to put it on, but he reacted quicker than I did.

"No, no let me! That's my job!" he panicked slipping the ring on my finger. Perfect fit.

Thinking of that memory made me raise my right hand to play with the silver crystal ring that still hugged my finger. I stood there for a while day dreaming till the school bell broke me out of my thoughts. Schools out, oh how I used to love rushing to my locker in the over packed hallways filled with hormonal teenagers. Just getting to my locker without getting killed was an Olympic sport in these hallways.

Thank goodness that Mr. Molina was always in his classroom after school for an extra half our or more. When the hallways were partially emptied I finally made my way to the art sector of the building.

* * * * * *

Mister Molina" I asked entering his classroom. I've notice that many things have been changed in this class room. The posters, the art pieces all gone and stored into the wooden cabinet. He was hovered the sink "Oh Charlotte, how are you?" he asked nervously as if he was hiding something.

I dropped my handbag, "No, how are you at this moment? Did you cut yourself?" I panicked making my way over to him looking into the sink seeing a few drops of blood coming from his finger. "Let me get a few band aids." I tell him rushing my way over to the shelves to take out the First aid kit and pulling out a jumbo band aid. Carefully I opened the band aid making myself ready to wrap around his wound. "Here sir" he took his finger from under the running cold water to transfer it onto the band aid. "There," I say triumphantly. "How did you cut yourself anyway" I asked him.

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