"Hey Harriette! You came back! What happened to you?", one of Harriette's classmate asked.

"Me? I.... I went to Canada to fix something", Harriette's excuse to her classmates when she saw her best friend Chanyeol arrived their class so she approached him.

"Chanyeol can we talk?", Chanyeol ignored her again and he went out the classroom so Harriette followed him outside the school's hallway.

"Why are you ignoring me? Chanyeol I don't understand you. If I did something wrong to you then tell me. You are my best friend and I need you because..... me and Luhan are divorced. I need you because you are my best friend please talk to me", - Harriette

"What? You and Luhan are divorced?", Chanyeol thought that maybe Luhan and Harriette's problems together started since Luhan knew that he didn't pass his board exam and didn't graduate as an architect. Chanyeol felt guilty since he knows the truth behind it. Chanyeol walked away but Harriette still followed him.

"Are we still friends, Chanyeol? Best friends?", Harriette sadly asked.

"Not anymore, Harriette. I.... I actually hated you since you got married and my sister said I should stay away from you. I'm sorry but I really have to go", Chanyeol went to the comfort room alone and cried that he left Harriette and chose to kept Kris and his sister Yura's secret to Harriette and Luhan. Harriette cried too since not only Luhan left her, also her best friend Chanyeol left her too.

At the small police station where Luhan was jailed, he was sitting at the corner of his prison cell after his former boss sue him for damaging his restaurant when a policeman opened his prison cell. Luhan went out when he saw his best friend Xiumin.

We heard what happened about you and good thing Claire helped us to talk to your former boss. She also paid the damages you did at the restaurant", Xiumin said to Luhan even though they had a little misunderstanding week ago. Xiumin left but Luhan followed him.

"Thank you and sorry about what happened week ago. And tell Claire thank you. I just feel so confused these days that I don't know what to do anymore, Xiumin. I don't know who are my real parents, I grew up believing my mom was my real mother which was not, I didn't make it to graduate college and the worst part of my life I let Harriette go", - Luhan

"What do you mean you let go of Harriette?", - Xiumin

"I don't know what came to my mind yesterday. I'm so confused that I don't understand myself anymore. I'm so selfish! I'm so stupid for letting her go. I don't know what to do anymore but I want to take her back again", Luhan said. During Harriette's lunch break at her school, she decided to go the coffee shop where she previously work to talk to Suho, one of her friends since she need someone to talk to.

"Harriette? What are you doing here? Are you coming back to work here? Wait.... what happened?", Harriette ran to Suho crying and she hugged him.

"He already gave up, Suho he let me go", Harriette said crying.

"What? I don't understand you. What are you talking about?", Suho looked at her confused.

"Luhan divorced me", - Harriette

"What? Why did he do that? If he loves you he would never do that!", - Suho

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