Chapter 11: People Throw Rocks At Things That Shine

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AN: I am going to start putting dates up at the top of each chapter. Just to help maintain a better chain of events!

October 22nd

Taylor woke up with all of her limbs tangled with Karlie's The green eyed girl was still sleeping peacefully with her head nestled into Taylor's shoulder. She reached across her friend and checked her cell phone. Seeing that she had two missed calls as well as various texts from her brother made her jump out of bed, disturbing the sleeping Karlie in the process.

"Noooo," Karlie groaned as she rolled over and pulled the blankets tighter around herself.

"Karlie wake up! We are supposed to be on our way to lunch with my parents!"

As soon as Karlie's mind could process what was said, she jumped out of bed and started rushing around attempting to ready herself. Taylor couldn't help but laugh at how silly the tall blonde looked as she hopped on one foot as she tried to get one leg through her long skinny jeans.

Taylor stepped in front of Karlie, blocking her path, and put both hands on her shoulders. Taylor took a deep breath in and out and gave Karlie an encouraging look to do the same. She then pressed a chaste kiss on Karlie's forehead. "Good morning, sunshine." She said sweetly and then stepped back to leave Karlie to her hurried mourning routine.

Taylor took her time getting ready. She put on one of Karlie's coziest sweaters and a pair of leggings, she did a quick touch up of her already straightened hair and then set her makeup on Karlie's desk and applied minimal foundation with a winged eyeliner and her favorite red lipstick. As Karlie finished her marathon of a morning she turned to see Taylor, completely composed and relaxed, finishing at just about the same time.

"What the?...I mean how in the world did you?..." Karlie tilted her head to one side as she looked her up and down. Taylor's red lips curled into a smile while she thought to herself that Karlie reminded her of a very adorable puppy when she looked at her like. Taylor cupped both of her hands on Karlie's face and kissed her quickly.

"You look nice too dear." She said as she pulled on her boots and got ready to leave. Karlie slipped on a pair of sneakers and followed her beautiful friend out into the hallway.

They quickly made their way to the restaurant to find Taylor's family already waiting for her. She was sure she was going to get some looks for being late. As well as a few subtle comments about not returning to the apartment last night.

"We were worried something happened to you," Andrea said as she rose to hug her daughter. She gave Karlie a quick hug as well.

"Yeah, but clearly you were in good hands." Austin said with a mouthful of bread from his spot in the corner booth.

Scott elbowed his son and rose to great his daughter. After a short hug and kiss on the cheek he turned and extended a hand to Karlie. "It's good to see you again."

"You as well sir," Karlie responded confidently. "Hopefully you didn't have too difficult a time navigating the city this morning."

"Oh it was as expected. Just a bunch of tourists not knowing where they were going. And all the poor people around us we were slowing down." Scott let out a chuckle and Taylor felt her shoulders relax instantly at her dads positive reaction to Karlie's attempt to lighten the mood.

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