Chapter 5: Close Enough to Hope You Couldnt See What I Was Thinking Of

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Karlie opens her eyes and immediately wishes she hadn't.

"GAH! Sun. No. Bad. Head. Ow. Why?" Karlie whines as she throws her blanket up over her head dramatically.

"Because it's 1pm, Karlie. That's why." Selena is sitting at her desk reading one of her textbooks.

"What the hell happened last night?" Karlie asks from under the blankets still.

"Since we are talking about last night," Selena starts. "I'm mad at you. You totally ditched me to hang out with Ed and Taylor and then next thing I know you and Tay abandon me at the party for the whole night and then I have her knocking on our door at 3:30am because you forgot where you put your keys! What the hell happened last night Karlie?!"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out." Karlie says. "Did Taylor walk back to her dorm?" She asked looking around the room to make sure she wasn't there.

"I tried to convince her to stay but she wasn't having it." Selena answered.

Karlie was relieved. She was sure she had done something embarrassing last night and really didn't want to have to face Taylor today.

"Speaking of Taylor though, she called me this morning to check in on you. Her and I are meeting up for a late lunch in a few if you'd like to come. And she also said that she put her number in your phone and she'd like you to text her when you're awake and recovered enough."

Of course she did. She was still looking out for Karlie 12 hours later.  "Thanks." She says still grumpy from her abrupt waking up.

Karlie rolls over and reaches for her phone and quickly tucks all of her long limbs back under the blanket. She still felt drunk from last night at it was too bright in their dorm room. She unlocks her phone to check her contacts for the new addition. Once she scrolls to the "S" section she finds it. Taylor Allison Swift. She even put her middle name. After hitting the home button she checks her messages and sees that she had sent one to Taylor already. "Karlie Elizabeth Kloss" is what it said and Karlie wondered if Taylor typed it into the phone to send to herself.

Karlie: I want to apologize for anything that I might have done or said last night.

She presses send and gets a response within a minute.

Taylor: Well good morning, sunshine. There's no need to apologize, really. You didn't say or do anything worth regretting. How are you feeling?

Karlie: Kinda like I got hit by a truck and sort of like I ran a marathon.

Taylor: Sounds painful, and athletic. What are you doing right now?

Karlie: I was thinking of going back to bed. Why?

Taylor: Oh, well I'm meeting up with Selena and I was going to see if you wanted to come? But if you're still not feeling well you should definitely stay home and rest.

Karlie did want to go. Now that she knows she didn't do anything embarrassing she wanted to spend time with Taylor.

Karlie: I'd love to come with you guys. I'll see you there.

Taylor: Awesome, can't wait :)

"So what time are we going? Can I sleep until then?" Karlie asks.

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