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Miguel had always been used to tourists in his hometown, they came a week before Día de los Muertos and left a week after. There were a few kids here and there but he had long since given up on befriending any of them. Where was the point if they lived too far away to visit and probably had friends of their own that lived much closer?

But as he walked around the unusually crowded docks, he couldn't help hoping there was someone new who'd be willing to talk if not once. Even if he never saw them again.

He suddenly bumped into someone and found himself on the ground, the figure and two more passed before the third stopped and held out a helpful hand. He shyly grasped it before standing and facing the owner.

It was a girl, by the looks of it around his age, her hair was Earth brown and held back in a Día de los Muertos bow, her eyes a bright, friendly blue and her pink lips in a shy, sweet smile. She wore a simple red with white spots dress, a golden heart locket around her neck and a pink handbag slung over her shoulder.

"Thanks." She nodded sweetly. "Are you a tourist?" Another nod. "Cool, where are you from?" She tapped the small USA flag on her bag. "America? Sweet! I'm Miguel." She opened her mouth but then closed it, sadness falling upon her lovely face.

"What is it?" She tilted her head back and patted her throat with her palm, lowering her chin before shaking her head. Miguel's jaw dropped.

"You...can't speak?" Another shake of the head. "Oh, I'm sorry if I...offended you." He sheepishly lowered his head.

Her eyes popped open and she smiled, reaching out to tap his hand. He looked up as she turned over her locket, revealing a word in carved cursive.

"Elly?" He read aloud, she nodded. "Your name's...Elly?" She nodded again, smiling growing. "You mean, you're not offended?" She shook her head before reaching into her bag and pulling out a purple little notepad. Miguel watched in fascination as her pen darted across the paper before she held it up with a quick flick of the wrist.

" 'I have never been spoken to so kindly before. I'm very lonely and I have no friends. Do you mind if we hang out Miguel?' " His jaw dropped after reading it, slowly looking into her eyes.

"You...wanna hangout...with me?" She nods, goes back to pad, holds it out again. If it's not too much trouble. A smile lit up his face.

"Are you kidding? Of course not! We just need to find your folks..." She grabbed his hand and dragged him towards three adults, two men and a woman. She stopped and tapped one man's shoulder. He looked over, face brightening at the sight of the young female.

"Elly dear, where have you been?" She pointed to Miguel, he raised a hand with a sheepish smile. "Hola, I'm Miguel." The man's face hardened slightly, the woman looked over with a bright smile.

"Well hello there. I'm Elly's mom, you've already met my husband. And this other man is my brother." The last man smiled with a polite bob of the head. Miguel smiled, though he could feel the pressure radiating off Elly's father in waves.

"I was wondering of I could show your daughter around, show her the sights." Elly clasped her hands with a silent plea. The father looked regretfully but the mother beamed.

"Of course you can. Just be sure to bring her back before ten." Miguel practically melted with relief. He got ready to say thank you but Elly grabbed his hand and dragged him off down the road.

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