#15 The Bitter aftertaste

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Leo's POV 

I have been looking around for things for the gang to do. Shea is not being herself anymore yesterday it was like she seen a ghost. I have been busy with work so maybe she thinks Imma hurt her or something. I looked to her in the bed just laying there emotionless. I feel horrible I looked to her and said imma make some tea want some. She nodded yes and tried to get up to follow me but failed. She must be starving herself like she did before. I helped her up and she flinched maybe someone I have working for me in the house has hurt her. Imma find out and kill whoever hurt her. 

I pulled her into a hug and mumbled I love you in her ear. She seemed to relax which made me feel better on her part. I still wanna know what is wrong with her. I never even drunk her blood and she is already weak. She is mine and someone else touched her and made her feel bad. I watched as she sipped on her tea looking everywhere eyeing the pictures on the walls. She looked not herself and I am to blame I leave her here knowing how she is. I forgot she has spells like this and she can't be alone without thinking badly about herself. I may have to stop going in for gang stuff and do it over calls. I don't want Shea involved tho. 

Shea looked to me and smiled slightly before looking down at her tea and sighing. I know there's something wrong with her Imma help her I will be the one to fix her. I watched as she tried to stand help yet again her legs giving out on her causing her to fall back into her chair. She looked down and a tear fall from her pretty face onto the floor. that is when I even lost it. 

Shea's POV 

I have been eating just a small thing a day. My depression is back and worse. It is gonna be the death of me. I drank Cranberry juice tho just in case Leo finally decides to drink my blood and kill me off.  I know he can't love me I am worthless you can't turn me into an house wife. Not even an girlfriend. Leo made me tea which I loved how he made his so rich and amazing. He made mine sweet how I like it. 

I tried to stand up and failed falling back into my sit. I looked to Leo and smiled slightly trying not to show him how weak i have become since we last actually talked. 

Leo's POV

I finally finished and Walked too Shea and picked her up. I carried her up to bed and laid beside her awaiting for any news to come. Char said he would call and tell me anything he finds out on the gang today. Shea Whimpered until she found my chest and she calmed she fall asleep fast I thought to myself. I can see how weak she became in just A month of me leaving for gang work. 

Kidnapped By Leondre Devires Where stories live. Discover now