Chapter 27 - One year later

Start from the beginning

"What's going on..?" The room stayed deathly silent before Xavier shifted his eyes over to me, his eyes instantly dropping to my hand protecting my bump. An emotion I couldn't decipher flashed through his eyes before a sickening smirk stretched across his face.

"How many months, darling? It's not too late to kill it, I'm sure we don't want another Blaze running around here." I heard Blaze pull back the hammer of his gun threateningly, although this didn't phase Xavier.

"Two Blaze's actually." I glared at him as Aidan moved in front of me protectively, the boys were already in love with my two babies the second we told them, they'd never let anything happen to them as long as they were alive. Xavier's smirk faltered as he lowered his gun and his eyes flashed to mine before he looked over at Blaze. That look was back, for longer this time leaving everyone confused for a minute. Xavier nodded slowly and finally broke the silence.

"Get me my money Blaze, or I promise you're going to regret it." Xavier's eyes flashed towards me once again although the second half of his sentence was spoken with a less convincing tone than the first. He started walking out ignoring the gun that Blaze was pointing straight at him. He stopped in front of me and eyed my bump, ignoring the threatening looks from Aidan.

"How far along are you?" I watched him carefully, making sure to keep my hands protectively over my stomach.
"S-six months.." I stepped back slightly when he made a move to come closer. He stopped and smiled slightly putting his hands up showing he meant no harm.

Before I could respond he was out the door and I let a slow breath out in relief. Blaze threw his gun down and rushed over to me placing his hands on my stomach.

"Are you okay?" I smiled a half smile at his overprotective side.
"I'm fine baby." I placed my hand on his cheek to comfort him, I could tell he was panicking.

"I need to sit down, my back is killing me." As soon as the words left my mouth Blaze and Aidan ushered me to the couch. All three of them were trying to make me comfortable and fussing over me. I sighed and leaned my head back on the couch. It was cute at first the fussing from Blaze, Hunter, Preston and Aidan but now it's just plain irritating. I love that they're so caring and worried about me and the babies but their overprotectiveness is suffocating.

"Guys" I tried to get their attention whilst Aidan pushed over the matching footstool to the couch, Hunter came back with a bottle of water and a bowl of chocolate covered fruit which I've been craving constantly for the past few weeks and Blaze was just fussing around me asking a million questions.
"Guys! Stop!" They all looked at me, my eyes went to Aidan who looked especially surprised by my sudden outburst, whilst he was trying to get my shoes off.

"What's wrong are you okay? Is something wrong with the babies? Shall I call a doc-" I cut Blaze off.
"Blaze! I'm freaking fine, you guys are constantly suffocating me! Just give me some space for once!" Blaze's eyes hardened and he glared at me, his jaw twitched as he gritted his teeth.

"Get out." He kept his eyes on me as Hunter and Aidan left the room. I watched Blaze as he stared at me with a cold glare.
"Don't speak to me like that. Ever. Again. You ungrateful bitch." I glared at him, feeling my anger rise just like his, clearly he was still angry about his encounter with Xavier.

"Or what Blaze? Huh?" I stood up quicker than I should have, I felt a wave of dizziness and felt my self fall forwards only to be caught by Blaze. His arms went around my waist and he slowly sat me back down on the couch.
"Just calm down Jade." I closed my eyes and tried to slow down my heart beat ignoring the pounding in my head. Blaze knelt down in front of me and held my hand.

"You need to stay calm Jade, your blood pressure is going to get too high. It's not good for you or for the babies." I nodded my head slowly and felt him leave a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm sorry for being all over you, I just want to make sure you and my babies are okay. That's all." I managed a shaky smile whilst the pounding in my head slowed down.

"I know. I'm sorry too. I just wanted to come home and relax with you and instead I come in to see you and Xavier about to kill each other and then he threatens my kids. I just feel so exhausted by all the drama." I felt tears well up in my eyes and I silently cursed my hormones. Either I'm angry or crying all the time.

Blaze kissed me softly and smiled. "Don't cry. You can spend time with me now, I'm all yours." I let out a breathy laugh and shook my head, feeling my frustration rising again.
"It's not just about wanting to spend time with you. I have other problems too Blaze! Like the fact that I'm fat! Or the constant need to pee and the sore boobs and the aching back and feet and always feeling like I need to sleep with you!" Blaze burst out laughing at my embarrassing outburst. I felt my cheeks redden and I closed my eyes looking away as I felt a few more tears fall.

"Baby look at me." Blaze took my face in his hands and smiled, using the pads of his thumbs to wipe away my tears.
"I love you. You're perfect. I'm always here for you whatever you need. If you just want to stay in bed for the next three months I'll gladly wait on you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I'll do anything for you baby. Please don't cry." I sighed and nodded slowly before looking at Blaze triumphantly.

"Okay then. Get me some pizza, a milkshake and give me a foot massage. I'll be upstairs in bed waiting." I smiled and slowly got up, leaving a dumbfounded Blaze still kneeling on the floor.

Omg guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated for ages! I've been so busy and I've had writers block. Thank you so much for all the support! This chapter was just a filler but I promise soon I'll have a couple more chapters to complete the book. Thanks for reading and please comment and vote! x

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