So Clarissa huh?

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She pressed the send button. She wondered why he was so willing to help Jade. He barely knew her and he agreed to go to dinner with her so she could avoid Liam. He had apparently been a great listener when Jade had gone over there the other night. He seemed incredibly sweet but he kept his distance. It was odd. He seemed nervous about the dinner once he agreed to go.

Hey, glad to help.

Clarissa frowned at his response. That was it?

Do you not like Jade very much?

Clarissa didn't know what to think about Ashton. Everyone claimed he was a loud, fun person to be around but he seemed pretty quiet and to himself.

What? No? I like her just fine...why would you think otherwise?

Clarissa read the text a few times trying to decide how to take it. She'd have to ask Luke. He'd know.

Just wondering you seemed a little uncomfortable with the idea of going to dinner with her.

Ashton frowned down at his phone. Why would Clarissa ask that?

Not at all, just don't want to piss anyone off. I know she means a lot to a lot of people. She's a sweetheart though.

Ashton hoped his response was safe enough.

She really seems to trust you.

Ashton frowned down at Clarissa's last text. Why would she say that to him?

Well I'm glad.

Ashton hit send and tossed on a shirt. He had just gotten out of the shower and was supposed to meet Jade at Jay's place.

Jay pressed a kiss to Jade's lips and sighed.

"I'm glad you're going out with Ashton tonight. You could use a new guy friend. One I actually like." Jay smiled down at the blue eyed girl in front of him.

"I really like him. He seems rather shy though." Clarissa chimed in.

"He's not normally." Jay frowned looking over at Clarissa.

"Yeah, that's what I've heard." Clarissa frowned looking over at her phone. Just then there was a knock on the door.

Jay walked over and opened it revealing a slightly nervous Ashton standing on the porch.

"Hey, man." Jay moved allowing Ashton in the house.

"Hey." Ashton nodded towards Jay.

"Thanks for taking her out. It'll be nice to not see pictures of her and Liam together for once." Jay smiled at Ashton.

Ashton didn't know how to respond.

"I told you we're seeing him at New Haven afterward. He 's just saving me from a dinner alone with him." Jade shook her head.

"Well I trust Ashton enough that I'm not worried about you." Jay bent placing a kiss on Jade's cheek.

Ashton felt himself tense slightly. He knew Jay but not well enough that Jay would be able to tell he was tense, thankfully.

"Have a good time babe, I gotta go meet the guys. Clarissa, Nathan says no seeing Niall." Jay shrugged sympathetically towards the redhead.

Clarissa just rolled her eyes.

"I thought you were meeting a friend later?" Jade frowned.

"I was but she canceled on me." Clarissa shrugged.

"Then come with us!" Ashton offered a little too quickly.

"What? Why? I don't want to intrude." Clarissa shook her head.

"You aren't intruding. It's not a date." Ashton walked over and pulled Clarissa from the couch.

"But I look like a homeless zombie." Clarissa objected.

"First off all zombies are homeless. Second off no you don't." Ashton disagreed.

"Come on, it'll be fun. " Ashton prayed she would agree.

"Can I at least change first? You two are dressed halfway decent." Clarissa asked.

"Yeah, we're in no hurry." Ashton nodded. Clarissa hurried off to her room. Ashton turned to see a suspicious smile on Jay's face.

"So Clarissa huh?" Jay grinned at Ashton.

"What?" Ashton frowned.

"You might want to give Nathan a heads up. Just a suggestion." Jay shrugged.

"What? No. I was just...I thought she...I don't." Ashton shook his head.

"Uh huh. Well you three have fun." Jay pressed his lips to Jade's once more causing Ashton to look away. He hated feeling the way he did. He really couldn't help it.

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