Chapter Three.

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The node only had a firewall attached to it, but this one had an interesting password to it. "Passwords Lead Deeper." You had no idea what that could've meant, but you kept your eye open for any text files you found along the way. Besides the usual empty Bin and Home folders you took a quick peek at the Sys folder to find it had an EOS Connection Manager attached, quickly you threw up EOSDeviceScanner and watched as a couple EOS nodes appeared on your netmap. Five of them to be exact, but this didn't bother you, what did however was how they didn't allow the default password to be used. "Alpine" was changed....figures that this wouldn't be easy. You go back to the original node and perform a quick MemoryDumpGenerator and see that for once a node has something hidden, or another picture of Dracula in a tank...

You return to your Home node and execute Memory Forensics during its slow dial up time you get a new Jmail message from someone. Either from Blank or the owner of The White Rabbit node, You look through the Memdump first before reading the email. You found nothing in Recent Commands and (thankfully) nothing in Images, however you find a text log in Files. 

Grimm: Have you set up the other nodes yet, Dahl?
Dahl: Yes, including the EOS Devices. Anything else i should do?
Carroll: My beginning nodes are finished and everything is set up.
Grimm: Good job both of you. Dahl you changed the passwords on the EOS Devices right?
Dahl: Yes i did. Why do you ask?
Grimm: I had an issue with my beginning node and had to change it to an Inviolability Node.
Grimm: I need access to your EOS Nodes to leave behind some txt files about it.
Dahl: The Passwords are the first names of each of the children in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
Grimm: Good to know, Maybe change the names of the nodes to include the last names so "they" know?
Dahl: Already on it.

You exit the MemoryDump and sure enough each EOS Node has its own personal name to it "Bucket, Salt, Beauregarde, Gloop, and Teavee." Before you go and open up those nodes you check up on Jmail.

Subject- Proper Introductions.

I'm Carroll, one of the designers of the earlier nodes you made it through...and your unknown contact from earlier. Yeah its me, I've been watching you work for a bit and i must say I'm impressed with how quickly you work. I've told the others that amongst all the other hackers that are blasting through this, You've entered the fray. (They heard about your previous works and are interested on how you'll fare.) A lot of the other hackers...they don't really appreciate the work me and my friends have put together. So from one hacker to another, When you get to Grimm's section...wait for a message from Dahl. He'll give you some tips on that selection of nodes. But you're not nearly near the end yet. This is only the beginning! And the rest of us are excited too. Don't let us down alright? 

-Carroll aka The White Rabbit.

You nod and get back to work on the EOS nodes. You took a moment to gain admin access to all of them first before looking through them.

Username: Admin
Password: Charlie

Username: Admin
Password: Veruca

Username: Admin
Password: Violet

Username: Admin
Password: Augustus

Username: Admin
Password: Mike

You skim through all of them in the order you opened them. None of them had an email you could look through but each of them did have a text file with a segmented password and piece of a node as well. It doesnt take long to figure out the password and node, everything was perfectly in order. You take this moment to get a drink of water and have a quick break from all the hacking you've been doing you've lost track of time. When you return you type in the node for the next task. 1812.1892.86.211 The node was Inviolable as said in the MemoryDump but you slowly type in the password "Kinder- und Hausmarchen" however before you could even scan for more nodes attached you get a new Jmail Message. That must be Dahl contacting you. You open up Jmail however this wasn't Dahl at all, but someone a bit more menacing.

Subject: Break in and lose it all.

Listen you snot nosed little bastard, I've seen your logs on the older nodes, you're stepping into MY territory and i dont appreciate it. This new executable will be mine you hear?! Now do me a favour and piss off. If you go further and break into the other Grimm nodes I'll seriously screw your shit up. Understand? Good.


Oh please. This kind of guy is threatening you? Like you haven't been through enough shit as it is with Naix and Striker. You ignore him and press on like you normally would, although you throw up a quick shell on your home node just in case. But this didn't seem to help as your ram filled rather quickly. You've been hijacked and it's on a whole new scale for once.

End of Chapter Three.

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