He turned her body towards him and cupped her face so that their eyes would meet. He smiled warmly towards her and Haeyoung felt like she melted underneath his hands. He leaned in closer to her, "You like me, don't you?"

Her breath hitched as she slowly nodded her head. She could see the excited twinkle in his eyes as she whispered, "How did you know?"

Was she that obvious with her feelings that he could guess right away without her uttering a word to him? He grinned as he reached down to her hand and pulled the arm sleeve of her jacket back, "I noticed you were wearing the bracelet I gave you. You've actually had it on for awhile now."

Haeyoung felt like a burden lifted off her shoulder. She felt relieved that he said it out loud for her instead of making her struggle in trying to let him know how she felt. He pulled into his arms and she leaned into him.  She felt safe and secure in his arms. She knew she made the right decision of letting him know.

"Should we start dating as of tonight?" Jungkook asked as he tighten his arms around her.

Haeyoung looked up and he was looking down towards her. She could feel her heart beating rapidly with excitement. Her lips slowly formed into a smile as she shyly said, "Yes."

Jungkook felt like his heart was going to burst out with joy. He couldn't believe she was finally willing to allow herself to be with him. He leaned his forehead against hers and softly murmured, "Thank you. You have no idea just how happy I am at the moment. I feel like the luckiest man ever."

Then Haeyoung watches as he pulls something out of his jacket and raises his arm above their heads. She looked up and noticed it was the mistletoe that was hung up in their apartment. Jungkook smiled with his bunny teeth and said cheekily, "Oh look, we're under a mistletoe."

Haeyoung's face turned bright red as she cringed at his silliness. They locked eyes and started laughing. She pulled his arm down and asked him, "So did you end up kissing Ha Na because of this?"

"You heard Namjoon hyung's comment?" Jungkook asked looking surprised.

She nodded her head. He sighed and shook his head, "No. As soon as hyung made that comment, I yanked it down before she could see what he was talking about."

Haeyoung smiled and said softly, "Good because those lips belongs to me only."

Jungkook's heart thumped rapidly to her sweet voice as she hugged him tighter. He  grinned and nodded his head. Haeyoung reached up with her hand to touch his cheeks as she thoroughly observed his face. Then he leaned down and gently pressed his lips on her warm lips to deeply kiss her.

It was a week before Christmas and the members of BTS were throwing a Christmas get together at their apartment since they were going to busy the week after. On the couch, Ha Na was found sitting with Jungkook and like always she clung to his arms.

When Haeyoung's eyes met Jungkook's, she rolled her eyes at him. He mouthed an apology as he tried to free himself from her hold on his arms. Haeyoung headed towards the kitchen and said loudly, "Jungkook, could you help me set these dishes on the table?"

Jungkook stood up quickly and said, "Sorry Ha Na, I'll be right back."

Ha Na nodded and watched Jungkook head towards the kitchen. Something seemed out of the ordinary, but she couldn't figure out what it was.

In the kitchen, Jungkook quickly squeezed Haeyoung's hands and whispered,  "Thanks Haebae."

Haeyoung stepped back to look at him strangely. She furrowed her brows and whispered, "Haebae?"

He softly chuckled, "Hae for Haeyoung and Bae cause you know... You're my babe."

Haeyoung's face turned bright red because of his explanation. Then she smiled brightly and said, "I like that."

"What do you like?" Jimin's voice interrupted their conversation.

Jungkook and Haeyoung both turned around to look at Jimin who was standing behind them as he leaned against the island counter with his arms crossed. Haeyoung coughed and croked, "Nothing?"

"Oh really.... Haebae... Noona?" Jimin said with a mischevious smile. He even made sure to emphasize the Haebae.

Haeyoung could feel her face turn red as she was speechless of how much he actually heard. Jimin leaned and whispered, "How long has this romantic love affair been going on?"

Jungkook chuckled nervously and head locked Jimin. He turned towards Haeyoung and smiled, "I'm sorry for the way Jimin is acting."

As Jungkook dragged him away, Jimin kept shouting, "How long? I want to know!"

Jungkook covered Jimin's mouth and whispered, "If you stay quiet, I'll tell you all about it after Ha Na leaves."

Jimin stopped struggling and hollered, "Call!"

After hanging out with the guys, Haeyoung decided to call it a night. As she was heading towards the door, she received a text notification.

I'll stop by after Ha Na leaves. 😘 - Jungkook

Haeyoung glanced over at Jungkook and he sweetly winked at her. She felt the inside of her flutter as she smiled from ear to ear and nodded her head towards him.  She has enjoyed the warm feeling that he has been showering her with. She felt like nothing in the world could go wrong.

After she took a nice warm shower and changed into her pajamas, she heard the doorbell ring. She excitedly went to open her door, thinking that it was Jungkook. But the smile on her face quickly disappeared as she found herself face to face with Ha Na.

"We need to talk," Ha Na smirked annoyingly at Haeyoung as she walked in uninvited.

Haeyoung sighed, "Okay. Come sit down. I'll make us some tea."

Ha Na shook her hand and scoffed at Haeyoung, "No need. I'm just here to tell you that you don't fool me. I know you have something going on with Jungkook Oppa."

"Get to your point," Haeyoung said with a sigh as she nervously bit her bottom lip.

Ha Na smiled smugly and took out her cellphone. She flipped through some photos of them, "I heard of your previous scandals with another idol. If you don't want the same mistake to happen, you'd stay away from Jungkook and the rest of the BTS members. I'll give you until the end of this month to make your decision."

After Ha Na left, Haeyoung could feel herself trembling with fear. This was exactly what she was scared of. Someone finding out and telling her that she made a mistake of getting involved with someone she shouldn't. Then threatening to make her life miserable. It's undeniable that she shouldn't ignore this fair warning.

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