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War was something I knew. It was always there, always a constant in my life. The clashing of swords, the beating of fists, the screams of agony. I was an Angel, a warrior under the archangel Michael and his closest ally. Chosen by the father himself, I had powers no other Angels had. But that just made them all dislike me even more.

The call I got that took me from the war was from my brothers, Sam and Dean. I was human once, before a demon took me from the earth at a young age. God somehow saw me, heard my cries within the body I was trapped in, and took me off the earth. I was granted wings, and immortality. I looked to be eighteen or so, the demon taken from my body and an Angels Grace placed in my original one.

Dean and Sam needed me, and I'm going to help them as much as I could. The war had raged for years with no sign of it ever stopping, so whether the angels had me or not it wouldn't help. My brothers were family, family first, and they've finally called me home.


I stood above earth still in my armor, a silver chain wrapped around my torso in tight pants and a figure hugging bustier. The sky stood blue, the beginning of light peeking through the clouds below me. By the time I finished falling, it's be closer to the time the sun went down again, and I should be able to hopefully call Sam or Dean.

As long as I don't land in another fucking war like last time.

I took a breath before tucking my wings in, letting my body fall though the air as if I was weightless again. I smiled as the wind whipped through my hair, stinging my skin as I huddled faster and faster. I got to watch the sun rise and fall, the stars beginning to brighten as I finally saw where I was to land.

A big pool broke my fall, my own body slamming into the concrete below the water. I pushed myself up, breaking the surface before pushing myself onto the concrete and rolling onto my back. I took in deep breaths, my eyes closing as I realized how tired I truly was. I didn't need to sleep, I rarely did, but falling from above usually tuckered me out.

I felt my eyes shut and let my breathing slow, before the sound of a sliding door alerted me. My eyes popped open as I scrambled up, my eyes almost as wide as the auburn haired man before me. His body was well muscled, and if I didn't know better, by his looks I would say he was a Nephilim.

"Holy shit." He whispered, his eyes trailing over my wet form. I cursed myself, but I also cursed the fact he more than likely had a cell phone, and I needed to contact Sam and Dean.

"Uh, hello? Would you happen to have a cell phone on you?" His eyes widened before he nodded his head hesitantly, reaching into his pocket to retrieve his cell phone.

"Hold on..." He tapped on it a few times before handing it over to me, the phone app open. I typed in the phone number I had memorized by Dean, crossing my legs slightly as I faced the redhead.

"Hello?" Deans gruffly voice filtered through the earpiece, a small smile playing on my face as I listened to him.

"Hey Dean, it's Sang–"

"Sang!" I lifted the phone from my ear when he shouted through it, my smile widening even more.

"Hey, where are you guys? I just kinda, landed this time..." I trailed off, well aware of the staring from the auburn haired man.

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